First Big Bang Done!



bjt_bigbang fic officially finalized (edited, polished, and all)!! 62,375 words. And you know… there is always room for more scenes to flesh out the story. :/ Do you realize how hard it’s been for me to sit on this project? I always post, post, post as I go along. Waiting four months makes me antsy. …

The Rogue of Ciraea – Epilogue



Epilogue Kaeleer three weeks later Hell’s fire, Mother Night, and may the Darkness be merciful. Ebon Askavi—the Black Mountain—is an appropriate name for this place. Jakob stops walking when he thinks that he spies a ripple of a deep shadow. But a shadow isn’t supposed to move unless it belongs to someone! he wants to …

Official Deadline



Rough draft for bjt_bigbang is due Feb. 1st. Despite a few setbacks, I am simply determined to deliver my best. Black Jewels 4 EVAR. With this said, fic must be completed by my own personal deadline of Jan. 29th. I have people depending on it. Chapter Five and the Epilogue think they can defeat me …

(Altered) Meme Stolen from



RULES: Post a sentence/paragraph scene (because I can) from every WIP you can find. No explanations allowed, just excerpt. Two WIPs and three pieces that never went anywhere… A/N: These five are actually old “unfinished” drabbles but that means in my lingo “never to be finished”. :/ I have made them part of the The …