Invitation for the Spellbound (4/4)



Watching Jim pace the cabin like a caged animal, Leonard swallows a knot of dread. He glances at the towel which had hung from his captain’s neck before being discarded on the couch, whatever plans Kirk might have had to visit the ship’s gymnasium waylaid by their unexpected encounter.

Invitation for the Spellbound (3/4)



McCoy blames Spock. Because of his calm, collected manner of delivery, Spock has the peculiar ability to make a bad idea sound good. How else can it be that Leonard so readily agreed to attend the Sweetheart Ball in the company of the very two officers that common sense has been urging him not to engage in complicated matters?

Invitation for the Spellbound (2/3)



Down the inclined corridor, left by the door to the engine chamber, and straight on ’til the deck’s abrupt end. That’s where Leonard finds himself, seated on the top of a large sealed cargo container listening to the subtle thrum produced by warp engines on standby.

Invitation for the Spellbound (1/3)



Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Summary: McCoy can’t tell if he has been gifted or cursed. And anyway, this newfound ability is interfering with his chances at acquiring a date for the Sweetheart Ball.
A/N: Written for McSpirkHolidayFest; based on the prompt: Bones gains the ability to read minds temporarily as a gift of thanks for helping save the life of an alien princess. He learns some very interesting things from Spock and Jim at the Valentine’s Day party.