Lost in Orbit (1/?)



Title: Lost in Orbit (1/?)
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Enterprise crew
Summary: On a mission to track down a missing delegation party, the Enterprise crew find themselves embroiled in a game of cat and mouse with another ship. When some of Kirk’s crew are captured, the chase turns into a nightmare.
A/N: I said I would start a new Triumvirate action/thriller work sometime in 2017. I apologize, as getting around to that took longer than expected. I wish I had many tantalizing details to share with you about the plot, but alas there is only one: it’s Spock’s turn to find trouble. And with that… The adventures of the starship Enterprise are once again underway!


Data padd tucked under an arm, Cpt. James T. Kirk steps through the doorway, the last man to enter the main briefing room on the vessel he has sworn to command. He takes a seat at the head of an oblong table, allowing his gaze to touch on each officer present in the room.

“Thank you all for joining me on such short notice,” he begins. “A little over an hour ago, the Enterprise received a priority one missive. Having reviewed its contents and discussed the situation with Command, I am of the opinion that the order to curtail our current mission is a reasonable one.” He pauses there, waiting for any immediate objections.

No one says a word—until, that is, McCoy pipes up for the collective group, “We’re listening, Captain.”

Jim relaxes somewhat, recognizing that remark as McCoy’s way of reminding him this particular group of men and women already trust his judgment.

To Kirk’s right, Commander Spock folds his hands on the tabletop. “The Tuli will not be offended by our early departure.”

Across from the table, McCoy chuckles. “What’re you saying, Mr. Spock? That they might be glad to be rid of us?”

“Hardly, Doctor,” the Vulcan intones. “I merely wished to express my belief that the Tuli will understand our need to attend an emergency situation.” He returns his gaze to Kirk. “In fact, were it necessary to ask for their aid, it is highly likely the Tuli would send ships alongside us.”

Kirk nods. “I received that impression as well.” Which is why he is less concerned than normal about stepping away from a diplomatic excursion; the beings who call themselves the Tuli seem level-headed and are not easily offended.

The captain’s thoughts return to the reason their friendly interactions with that race must come to an abrupt end. With a renewed sense of urgency, Kirk leans forward, diving right into the details of the mission. “Ever heard of the Mortifer Clan?”

Scott hisses between his teeth before declaring fiercely, “They’d better not look twice at my ship!” He is the first—and only—person to react.

Even though Jim does readily echo that sentiment, he is also a touch amused, particularly by the way everyone else makes a close study of Scott’s fired-up expression.

Spock turns to Jim again. “Captain, what is the Mortifer Clan?”

Jim releases a breath before explaining. “They specialize in hijacking and capturing ships, anything from tourist crafts to recovered warships.”

“And just what ship did they waylay?” his security chief asks grimly.

Giotto’s guess is dead-on. Kirk elaborates, “A mining freighter passing through the Rel-7 Port went missing.”

McCoy frowns. “Freighter of what? Even a stack of dilithium crystals wouldn’t warrant a priority one call.”

“No,” agrees the captain, “but a delegate from the Miners’ Rights Council who was on board at the time does.”

Silence encompasses the room.

Jim goes on steadily, “Nothing’s confirmed yet, but ‘Fleet intelligence has sighted one of Mortifer cruisers in the vicinity around the time that the report of the vanished ship was made. It seems there has been an uptick in burglarized crafts at Rel-7. More recently, a threat was made against the MRC, specifying that an attack would come when the Council least would expect one. It’s well-known that the faction behind the threat has ties the Mortifer Clan.”

McCoy whistles. “All of which paints a very convincing picture. But wait a minute. Wasn’t the Carasia Moon close to shutting down operations just a month ago because of stalled negotiations with the MRC? Those folks must be going crazy!”

Uhura interjects softly, “I hope it wasn’t Councillor Blase. I heard he was the voice of reason in convincing the miners to end their strike.”

Jim feels his expression turning grave. “Unfortunately, Uhura, Blase is precisely who disappeared, along with his assistant and one of the Moon’s envoys. The MRC-Carasian negotiations aren’t going to happen unless these men are recovered quickly. At worst, the rioting will start again.”

Everyone looks troubled to hear this, as he expected. The last reported clash between the moon workers and their superiors had brought the death tally up to nearly three hundred, not the worst in Federation history but by no means of small concern. Which, thinks Jim, is precisely why Federation officials have been hard at work to employ peace talks, hoping to avoid further casualties.

“When do we leave, Captain?” Spock inquires.

“As soon as I have spoken with the Tuli. We have an advantage on time because we’re already close to the locale.” Jim looks at each of his officers once more. “Any questions?”

He takes the silence as a positive answer. Rising with the others coming to their feet as well, he says, “Dismissed—except for you, Mr. Spock.” Jim comes around the table to stand by the Vulcan. “Spock, do me a favor. See what you can dig up about Starfleet’s past encounters with the Mortifer ships, officially and unofficially. I want to know exactly what kind of people we will be dealing with.”

Spock locks his hands behind his back. “I will try, sir.”

“Thank you.” Jim follows Spock into the corridor, not surprised to find McCoy idling outside the door.

The doctor falls into step with them. “Jim, I have a question.”

“I’m listening.”

McCoy catches his arm, bringing Kirk to a stop. “Whose side are we on?”

Jim’s tone sharpens. “What do you mean?”

“It’s not easy to be impartial in a fight,” McCoy says. “And I know it’s not supposed to be our fight, but there’ve been plenty of times we were ordered into a situation without being fully aware of who sent or why.”

Jim’s mouth forms a thin line as he realizes what McCoy is driving at. “We have a duty to promote and protect unity and goodwill. That includes stopping anyone who wants the opposite—which is why I accepted this assignment.”

McCoy considers Kirk for a moment, then glances to Spock, whose expression reveals nothing of his opinion. “I know you want to do the right thing, Jim… but sometimes the good intentions in the wrong hands still paves a path to hell.” He holds his captain’s gaze. “Do you know whose hands we will be in?”

Jim lifts his hands, palms up. “Mine.”

McCoy’s frame drops a fraction.

Jim reaches out to grasp his friend’s shoulders. “Bones, I know why you’re concerned. You don’t want to influence the outcome of this issue with the miners… because if either side gets hurt—” Jim swallows at the thought. “—we could be responsible.”

“I don’t want us to be pawns, either,” McCoy says softly.

“I’ll make sure we aren’t,” Kirk promises.

After a moment, the doctor nods. “All right.”

Kirk gives the man’s shoulders a brief squeeze before letting go. Then he smiles. “If you don’t have to return Sickbay right away, would you accompany me to my quarters?”

McCoy raises an eyebrow, asking with almost warm-sounding caution, “Why?”

“To help me figure out what to say to the Tuli leader.” Jim’s smile reaches his eyes, then. “He seems to like you.”

McCoy huffs, his gaze shining now too. “I knew it. That’s a man with good taste.” He looks to their third and silent companion. “You could take notes from those Tuli, Mr. Spock.”

The commander blinks and very promptly pivots away.

Kirk and McCoy watch Spock proceed along the corridor without them. “You need to stop teasing him,” Jim says.

“Uh huh,” counters his friend, grinning. “You just let me know when you really mean that, Captain.” With a friendly pat to Kirk’s arm, McCoy takes off first, leaving Jim to catch up to him.

Next Part

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.

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