Title: Recapture (9/9) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 Or read on AO3 Parts Eight and Nine have been posted together. Please make sure …
Recapture (9/9)
Recapture (8/9)
Title: Recapture (8/9) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 A/N: Basically I wrote one version of these last two chapters, then wrote another and posted the …
Recapture (7/8)
Title: Recapture (7/8) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Part Seven Jim woke to a pounding head, tingling limbs, and a dryness of mouth that one typically associated …
Recapture (6/8)
Title: Recapture (6/8) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Part Six Separating was largely the worst mistake they made that day, the day that Jim went missing. When Leonard caught …
Recapture (5/8)
Title: Recapture (5/8) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Please make certain you have read last week’s chapter! Plus important news: you can vote through Oct. 5th on the prompt you want …
Recapture (4/?)
Title: Recapture (4/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 Part Four There came the sound of loud pounding, followed closely by “Hurry up, Jim! Do you want good seats, or don’t you?” “Should I …
Recapture (3/?)
Title: Recapture (3/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 Part Three Jim pulled a chair near the bed and handed Spock a mug with steam rising from it along with the promise “It’s not replicated.” Spock …
Recapture (2/?)
Title: Recapture (2/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. Previous Part: 1 A/N: I’ve really got no excuse for this story except that I need the mcspirk fluff in my life right now. Part Two “If I had a dime for …
Recapture (1/?)
Title: Recapture (1/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: An innocuous tour lands Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in deadly territory. A/N: It feels like forever since I gave my attention to the TOS boys for more than a one-shot. Maybe it’s time for some drama to head their way? Part One Doctor …