2018 Fic Recap



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2018 word count closed at:

2,227,000 WORDS!

FICS IN 2018…


K/S/M Multi-Chaptered
K/S/M One-shot/Drabble
River Bound (AU)
Exhibits A to D (WIP)
Feed the Flame
In Theory, A Great Escape
Our Snowfall in June
In Winter Snow Angels Sacrifice
Gen Multi-Chaptered
Gen One-shots
Lost in Orbit (WIP) Every Curmudgeon, Every Friend

This year I wrote and posted:
8 stories for an approximate total of 83,000 words.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
This year was unexpectedly rough. It involved serious challenges, the delay of a big dream, and a very personal loss. I’ve been reminded many times in the last few months to be kind to myself, so I’ll only say that given all I went through, to have written at all is more than anyone would have expected. Was it to the extent I would consider it a success? Of course not. But my hobby continues to live, and that has to be worth celebrating.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
I wrote in a much-beloved genre I had not tried in years: urban fantasy. That led to a fantastic experience and an AU I am very proud of.

What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
River Bound. As mentioned above, this is an urban fantasy tale of humans, Fae, and of course the wonderful Triumvirate making a life for themselves in a very unique town.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
For River Bound, I had to write about a stalker. Just the idea made me nervous, and I felt there was some risk I might, in a clumsy way, minimize the gravity of a situation wherein someone finds himself or herself being stalked and/or harassed. Stalking is no joke. It is a crime. I hope my readers didn’t dismiss that fact because of the story’s happy ending.

From my past year of writing, what was….
My best story of this year:
River Bound. I love the magic, the side characters, the mystery, and the family drama. Overall, I am very proud of how it turned out.

My most popular story of this year (based on comments/kudos):
Every Curmudgeon, Every Friend. It’s not McSpirk! Who could have imagined? But this story does involve an adorable Joanna McCoy, so enough said.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
In Theory, A Great Escape. There’s something about domestic, retired McSpirk that is lovely by itself but when you have that and family feels from old friends of the Enterprise days, you have the makings of a great little story all around. I know the concept has a special place in my heart!

Most fun story to write:
Every Curmudgeon, Every Friend. I swear to you I giggled every single second of writing it. There’s something so joyful and innocent in the concept of Joanna McCoy being a meddler in her father’s life.

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Exhibits A to D. The Spones moments were on fire in this one, mainly because Spock needs to stop rubbing McCoy’s fingers whenever he feels like it.

Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
River Bound, primarily because of the horrifying scenes where Kirk’s stalker basically tries to molest him. Those parts are marked so sensitive readers can skip them.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
In Winter Snow Angels Sacrifice. If you’re wondering what that title even means, it’s basically my convoluted way of eluding to McCoy’s savior. Normally I write McCoy as someone who is a staunch supporter of preserving all life, regardless of whose it may be. In this, there was a weariness to him about the imminent destruction of his savior that surprised me. It’s as if I learned for the first time that while McCoy might feel torn up about someone dying, he could consciously choose not to intervene in what is to come. I find that eerie.

Hardest story to write:
Lost in Orbit. I still haven’t finished it. Why? I started out thinking it might be another epic and that has made me sort of afraid of keeping it going. So, make of that what you will.

Biggest Disappointment:
None. I am pleased with everything I wrote whether or not it seemed well-received by others.

Biggest Surprise:
Our Snowfall in June. My weakness is Kirk/Spock, yet I decided on a Kirk/Spock story where Leonard becomes the third partner (this was writtten for McSpirk Holiday Fest’s Halfway to a Threeway challenge). In the end, it turned out much better than I anticipated. I think that’s because I went with old-school Kirk and Spock and their deep respect for each other and the natural closeness they develop over time. McCoy, of course, was not difficult to add in. McSpirk Forever!

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
Exhibits A to D. It’s not quite finished but most of the “breakup” drama is done. To be honest, I think this story is unintentionally telling about where my head has been at lately (read: not good). Kirk has a deep-seeded unwillingness to showcase what he really feels and though he tries to put his personal issues aside, they keep getting tangled up with his responsibilities as captain. It’s not always easy to be a strong leader during tough times, and pride can get in the way of admitting to uncertainty, loneliness, and perhaps the need for help, especially for someone who wants to maintain the pretense of feeling in control.

Fic-writing goals for 2019:
To write. Once I reached 2 million words, my next goal was to hit 2.5 million. I have come to realize that while this is achievable, it isn’t practical, particularly not within a single year for a person already committed to several other projects. Therefore my new goal is to keep writing. In fact, 2019 may prove to be the year that determines whether or not this hobby will survive. Motivation will be key.

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.

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