Title: Family Outlives the Season
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Word Count: ~18000
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jim Kirk catches wind of a secret operation but is frustratingly thwarted in finding out details of said operation. The crew has agreed that he can’t know, given that by unanimous vote Jim has become their ‘Adopt An Adult’ for the holidays. Amidst ship-side shenanigans, plans best laid but disastrously executed, and one extremely determined starship captain, friendships are strengthened and hearts are won.
A/N: Happy Holidays, everyone! I proudly present to you a story for the first year of McSpirk Holiday Fest, based on these prompts:
inuhimesblog suggested Jim trying to figure out his Christmas presents from his boyfriends;
ladybuggete suggested the boys bringing holiday cheer and gifts to the less fortunate;
fandomidjits suggested family-oriented celebrations on the Enterprise.
I took their wonderful ideas and spun it into a tale that I hope warms your McSpirk-loving hearts. Now, on to the story!
Read here:
Part One
Part Two
Or at AO3
Related Posts:
- Family Outlives the Season (3/3) – from December 25, 2015
- Family Outlives the Season (2/3) – from December 24, 2015
- Family Outlives the Season (1/3) – from December 23, 2015
Oh my gosh where to begin Well I loved this………..truly captured the triumvirate and high lighted the way they interact one one and as a group………. You also included other characters that really worked well with the triumvirate dynamic…I think that this just showed us even more how important the role of the triumvirate is to the essence of TOS…….and hopefully AOS this time round I can’t thank you enough for continuing to share your love of the triumvirate with us, the reader. It fills me with joy and happiness whenever I read one of your stories…even if something tragic is going on being in the presence of the boys comforts me. KUDOS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>