Title: Of Sacraments and War
Author: klmeri
Beta: dark_kaomi
Rating: R
Fandom: Star Trek AOS / Doom Crossover
Characters: John Grimm (Reaper!McCoy), Enterprise Crew, Khan
Word Count: 38,487
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, Doom, or any combination thereof. This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: John Grimm, now the Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise and a fairly likeable man named Leonard McCoy, is beginning to feel like a human again. Then the Enterprise encounters the SS Botany Bay, and events quickly spiral into chaos. The Reaper meets an opponent not unlike himself; except Khan believes the strong has an obligation to rule the weak, and the only way to stop Khan from commandeering the Enterprise is for John to balance on the edge between human and Other, without losing sight of what it means to be both.
Acknowledgements: This story is dedicated to my wonderful beta, dark_kaomi: My dear dark_kaomi, my gratitude to you runs at such a depth that words cannot fully express it. You gallantly untangled my wayward literary language; you did not hesitate to ask why? or help me explore possibilites until I discovered the answer to a tough question; you were generous with your time, your patience, and your understanding; and above all else, you never turned me away, even when I had a silly question or simply needed to know I was not on the journey alone. As readers enjoy this fic, the credit for their enjoyment is equally yours as it is mine. Thank you.
To my awesome cheerleader weepingnaiad, my great friend romennim, my writing idol kcscribbler, and the readers who faithfully visit this journal for fic: your encouragement and kind words lent me strength to get this story done! :) Thank you!
A/N: I set myself a task to write an idea I thought was fantastic, and volia! One month later, here is the finished product. Today, May 3rd, is my birthday and I gift this story to myself and my readers. Have fic and celebrate, everyone!
Of Sacraments and War is inspired by the Star Trek TOS episode Space Seed. Khan said to Kirk: “I have five times your strength” and I scoffed and retorted to Khan (who unfortunately was none-the-wiser of my rant) “Ha! Reaper!Bones could totally kick your ass.” Thus we now have an AOS (STXI) version of Space Seed, complete with a Reaper!McCoy versus Khan showdown.
Without further adieu, enjoy!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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- Behold – Of Sacraments and War [Coming Soon] – from April 27, 2011
*bounces* I have snagged the whole thing and look forward to being able to put it on my phone so that I can actually read it! So excited! And a great banner. You need a fanmix to go with it, you know?
A fanmix would be awesome! There definitely needs to be music to the Reaper-Khan fights. Alas, I didn’t have the energy to do it.