50,000 Words



Wow, so I have finally hit over 50,000 words after one month and a half of writing! PARTY TIME!

*takes a bow* I would like to thank my fellow supporters and readers for your dedication to my dedication to fast and fun chapters.

The next goal: 100,000 Words.

See you there. :)

Also, all McCoy’s get free drinks. Bring your McCoy’s to the party!

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. romennim

    Wow! 50,000 words! I remember a time when you said, after finishing a story, that you didn’t know when – or if – you would write again. See? :) Congratulations! :)

    • writer_klmeri

      Momentary brain lapse. I never know what’s coming next, really, only that I itch to write something (and prevent boredom). I just worry about the storylines turning into complete nonsense. With The Right-Hand Man, it was “oh, I think, McCoy got picked up by space pirates–yeah, that sounds right.” And suddenly there is Noreh who evolves into a manacial side-character that practically eats up the entire sequel! Go figure. XD

      • romennim

        isn’t it fascinating and amazing how stories and characters rebel against the writer? I think it’s one of the best aspect of writing :)

        • writer_klmeri

          Definitely! As my favorite author–Anne Bishop–once told her fans… She’s just the medium through which the characters reveal their stories; she cannot really help when they speak, what they say (or don’t say), or how they say it.

            • writer_klmeri

              Is bad of me to pimp her out? I have multiple dog-eared copies of all her works AND the audio books as they become available. I’m obsessed–have been for six (seven?) years. It’s almost shameful! I will only ask this of you: if perchance you do read her work and DON’T LIKE IT, please do not tell me that. I’d be crushed. :(

              • romennim

                no, it’s not bad! but now I know why I never heard of her! in Italy she is not published… I’ll have to buy the books on an American site! and I’m sure you won’t be crushed :) and not because I won’t tell you I didn’t like them!! ;)

                • writer_klmeri

                  Okay, before you pay any money, I want you to be sure you will be comfortable reading it. How do you feel about sexually explicit violence? Anne is never too bold with detail by it’s most certainly implied and a large part of the plot. The first book, Daughter of the Blood, is quite dark in this respect. If you can make it through that one, you will get to the good stuff. She has a wonderful sense of humor too, a fun imagination. And nobody, NOBODY, can wrap up a scene like she can!

  2. lilbatfacedgirl

    Congrats! It really is so satisfying to just see all those words strung together and know you put them there and made something good out of them. I’ve so enjoyed your stories and hope for 50,000 more.

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