The Question is… McCoy?



Let’s consider our favorite doctor for a moment.

What do you like best in your McCoy fic?

a) arguing – if he’s not in some sort of verbal spar I don’t know what to think

b) da hurt/comfort! – c’mon, we didn’t invent it, we just keep it alive (like the diseases and mind trauma, oh yeah!)

c) good ol’ Southern slang – it’s better than Spock losing his brain

d) fluff – puppies, rainbows, and hugs or anything sugary sweet

e) BAMF!McCoy – whether he’s cowboy-gunslinging or having fisticuffs with Klingons or simply using his badass doctoring skills, it’s all good!

f) caring – I need to cry at least once while reading about McCoy and his gentle, loving heart

g) any of the above – I’m just glad there’s a fic with McCoy in it

h) none of the above – why would anybody care about that non-Kirk guy from Star Trek?

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. dizilla

    All of the above! Mostly slang and bamf and h/c and snark! XD That he’s a big ole fluffball inside. And I’m always for the angst. XD But yeah basically all haha. He tries to present himself as simple but he’s a complicated contradicting man at heart. =D

        • writer_klmeri

          I find that because of some very basic truths about the character, it’s easy to love both, but in my heart-of-hearts it’s TOS McCoy I love a little better. But that may be because Kelley had more time to bring McCoy to life, to show us how he could be. Urban is just getting started as McCoy, and may be limited to the ST movies that come out, but I think he has the talent to give us the same “wow” factor as his predecessor did.

          • dizilla

            I think Karl did fantastically trying to emulate Kelley’s Bones with what he was given. But yeah, I tend to base my AOS!Bones by mixing what we see in the movie and his TOS counterpart and how knowing Jim at a younger age helped define him in Starfleet (and vice versa). I mean I’ve always loved Bones, even when as a kid I hadn’t realized it or realized why I loved Jim & Bones (pre-ship and pre-slash days) together in their scenes. I was never a Spock fangirl. And it was funny. I went into seeing the reboot having been a general slash fan for a few years now, expecting to see why K/S was so damned popular but nope, came out loving Bones again and best and loving K/M. XD Damn that sexy southern doctor!

  2. romennim

    all of them from a) to f), but sometimes g) is true for me as well. I can always rely on McCoy to make me feel better just by being himself :)

    • writer_klmeri

      Yes, he really is a special man! Maybe some people think we read too much into his character, but for me he is always perfect, even in his imperfections.

    • writer_klmeri

      It’s sad that McCoy – in TOS at least – doesn’t seem as beloved as Kirk or Spock. This is why I like to see him in any fic, really. And write him generously into my own fics. :) snarky badass doctoring is the best kind there is!

  3. tigergir11333

    Any of the above, but usually not fluff. I mean, if it’s genuine heart warming stuff like kidfics or something, but there’s still got to be some kind of angst to balance it out. I like fics that rip my heart out, stomp on it, smash it to pieces, and occasionally glue it back not entirely in order and give it back without apology.

    • writer_klmeri

      Oh, my dear, I’m glad you were a supporter of my Riverside ‘verse. At least you I did not frighten away with the angst upon angst!

      • tigergir11333

        Indeed! I have been glad to be along for the ride. I still need to catch up on all your fics. I just finished finals last week and got my grades today. Paaaarrtty this weekend! (And by that I mean sitting in front my computer with LJ and tumblr, maybe some pizza)

        • writer_klmeri

          Congrats on finishing up the semester! Hmmm… My latest project is The Desert Children, which is a very Faerie-related story. You might like it.

          • tigergir11333

            Awesome! I’ve just ported the Riverside verse to my Nook (I can’t read on my computer screen @_@), but I hope to finish up this weekend and come back for the squees. I will definitely be reading Desert Children afterwards!

  4. kcscribbler


    I would say all of the above, because I’m hardly picky, but for me the clincher is his arguments and banter with Spock. To me that’s the keystone of the last portion to the Triumvirate relationship and without it a fic feels lacking in vocabularic depth, to me.

    /two cents worth bec typing on a phone is a pain in the neck :)

    • writer_klmeri

      I agree about the banter. People don’t realize but it can be a delicate art and very, very easy to get wrong. And once you read a perfect version of it somewhere (like, cough, in a KCS fic) you develop a fine taste for wanting it everywhere you go! XD

  5. january_snow

    dithering between e) and g). g), cos a well written McCoy is loveable in any and all incarnations. e) however, because there are so many versions of the rest, especially rather shallow bleeding!heart, care!or!die and overly!cantankerous permutations. so i love me some McCoy who’s not perfect, but still absolutely kick-ass whether physically or mentally or both :)

    • writer_klmeri

      g) is very well put! It is best when McCoy is well-written. As you said, any shallow character development can be a real disappointment.

  6. freakizimi7

    Sorry – dropping out of lurkerdom via Desert Children to speak up… I personally love all but the Southern cussing one (and h of course). Being a person from Across the Pond I’m always a bit skeptical of that one – because I have no idea what the accent sounds like (put it this way, it wasn’t until I started seriously reading ST fanfiction that I found out that Mr Kelley HAD an accent – I just plain couldn’t hear it that well, although I think I did realise he talked differently to others, but I put it down to the character, not the actor. I still can’t hear it that much, even when actively listening out for it.) I can’t read the story with that accent in mind, simply because it’s not one I’ve heard often. Reading a story in an accent you don’t recognise or can’t ‘hear’ in your head is very distracting and just sounds false and overdone, so I find that if a story has too many ‘y’all’s’ in I can’t get along with it so well – I find myself thinking ‘does the character really sound like this? Am I just not able to hear it? Or has someone made more of it than they need to?’ – all of which detracts from my enjoyment of the story :p g is especially true – why all the shiny for Kirk and Spock? Ok, Spock I can kind of see because you can’t have McCoy without some Spock but why do only Kirk and Spock get a look? Why does everyone forget McCoy? I just don’t understand it. He’s even more of a mystery than Spock, since he had to wait until the fifth film to get any sort of past! e I like – I think it was one of yours I read involving McCoy, a hostile planet, and Kirk and Spock left in the dust as McCoy wanders off, complete with purloined cowboy hat :D I love that one – it’s gone on my eReader (I hope you don’t mind) :) So yeah – out of lurkerdom to blather but also to say yay! TOS writer! And you even write GEN! Love your stories, you’ve even got me reading the occasional slash, which I usually avoid in this fandom. I especially like the supernatural ones, like your AOS Mermaid one (whose title escapes me… *blush*) and Desert Children – have I mentioned how happy I am to see a new story? And how quickly it got added to my bookmarks? Freakizimi

    • writer_klmeri

      <3 I can understand your view on accents. As a Southern girl myself, when I hear McCoy, I hear him saying words fairly easily in a Southern accent. Of course, most of the time the only way that can come across is by what he says rather than how he says it. He uses the word “get” a lot, for example. He likes to call people darling, sweetheart, etc. Y’all as a Southern word is over-used. I’m certain I’ve over-used it myself on occasion. Basically, I think trying too much or too hard to make McCoy’s Southern-ness noticable can be a detriment to a fic instead of a boon. That’s not to say some fics cannot do it with flare and humor! :) I’ve read one or two of those. The truth is simple when it comes to my fics: I love Kirk, Spock, and McCoy together. Of course if I had to pick my favorite character, it’s going to be McCoy, but I’d rather see these three men working in tandem than independently of one another. This is why, accordingly to my almost daily hankering for the trio, my fics can either be gen or slash. All of it seems good to me. :) Can I just say I LOVE that you pointed out McCoy’s past is more mysterious both Kirk’s and Spock’s? THANK YOU! I hope I continue to write stories you want to bookmark. You’re really made my day by telling me you enjoy my work! My mermaid title escaped you probably because it’s titled Untitled. LOL. What a silly way to launch my fic-writing career, I know!

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