Flame Bucket: Entry #2



There seems to be a “flame” bug going around lately…

Anyway, my first reaction after reading the following review was laughter. Clearly somebody was making a joke, though a very bad one. You simply won’t believe the absolute NARROW-MINDEDNESS of mr. anon. Really.

anon said in response to my fic What Could Be Possible (the K/S/M fic where Joanna finds out about her father’s marriage to Spock and Jim and it isn’t certain what to think):

Ok 1; being gay is gross.

2; how can any one be married to 2 people who r married to the others?

3; Spock would NEVER marry Bonse

… Even if you personally agree with arguments 2 and 3, go back and read argument 1 again. Need I say more?

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. kototyph

    This kind of review always makes me scratch my head, because if you’re homophobic and dislike the pairing WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE. The stories are clearly marked, content-wise! It’s not like you can just stumble on these things on an ad bar on Facebook…!

    • writer_klmeri

      Maybe this person doesn’t know what the “/” means or the word “Pairing”. Maybe… yeah, no. *shakes head* I’m confused too. Why is this person reading slash in the first place?

  2. hora_tio

    why must people hate so. I myself am not gay but I actually really enjoy reading the works on this site because the underlying love and friendship is what shines through to me when i read them.. the sense of family is quite extraordinary. I see them as bodies of work based on love and friendship. I hope i put my thoughts across so as not to have offended any one. to me these are lovely stories about people regardless of their sexual orientation.

    • writer_klmeri

      *hugs* Family, love, friendship – these are all very important. I don’t see slash as different than hetero fic, except as a pairing of people of the same sex as opposed to a pairing of people of the opposite sex. Slash fic really shouldn’t be classified as anything other than (or uglier than) that.

  3. kcscribbler

    What the everliving heck. People like that are why the general population says every non-slasher is automatically homophobic. We’re not all inexcusably rude morons like this one.

    And what in the world, if you do feel that way, are you doing reading a clearly-marked fanfic?

    I’m sorry that your lovely stories are attracting that brand of idiot. :(

    • writer_klmeri

      KCS, I promise you I don’t believe non-slashers are homophobic. That would be the equivalent of #1 above. Only jerks are that narrow-minded. I like to think our ST fandom is supportive because it is made up of many enlightened individuals – just like the premise of Star Trek itself. Otherwise, there would be this awful barrier you and I as slasher and non-slasher respectivefully couldn’t breach – and we wouldn’t be friends. :) *hugs* I’m so glad we are!

      • kcscribbler

        I couldn’t agree more (with all points)! Part of why fandom should be a wonderful thing is the inherent spirit of IDIC which we all should have. :)

  4. weepingnaiad

    *squishes* Obviously that person is a moron. They are entitled to their opinion, but not to spew it on your journal, especially not on a clearly marked fic. I’m sorry you got trolled, m’dear!

    • writer_klmeri

      LOL. I can’t even take this comment seriously. I can’t, WN. It’s made of too much hater-crap. Troll-ers really need to stay under their bridges, if you ask me!

  5. infiniterider

    Dear Special Reader: 1. Being a flaming fucking idiot is WAY more gross than being gay. -_- 2. If you don’t understand the concept of an author changing social norms in a futuristic society, why are you reading Star Trek fic? 3. If you’re a homophobe that can’t spell BONES, why are you reading Star Trek SLASH? 4. That’s not how you use a semicolon. 5. Die. Yours Truly, Me

    • writer_klmeri

      Exactly. This person is showcasing their stupidity/ability to be a jerk in more ways than one. It’s actually rather sad.

  6. tigergir11333

    Ahahahaha.. Yeahno. I will never understand why some people actually seek this stuff out to hate on. Maybe I’m biased because I’m a part of an extremely positive blog circle, maybe because I have a personal policy against negativity – but I just don’t get it. Haters gonna hate. Keep doin’ what you do best.

    • writer_klmeri

      I have a personal policy against negativity YES. There’s a difference between criticism and outright hatred. I like to follow the credence “if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.” In fact, if I do make a critical comment on someone’s work, it’s generally with a helpful attitude. But hating just to hate? No. It makes no sense. Like you say, why not fill your time with positive messages instead.

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