Fandom, You Make Me Weep and Rejoice – How Fickle You Are!



In fandom news: Merlin Series 4 is on Netflix! Thank God.

As for the currently airing Merlin Series 5… Writers, are you deliberately trying to make your watchers feel frustration after every episode? If it was a case of cliffhangers, okay. But this plot? This plot so far is not conducive to anything but REGRET. I beg you, please stop!

Star Trek:

Watched Operation: Annihilate! because after Merlin I need a pick-me-up and TOS is perfect for that. I love how McCoy cornered Jim in the hallway and berated him for letting a sick man (namely Spock) beam down to the planet. Kelley always played his character with heart. He didn’t even have to have any lines; often his facial expression was enough to let us know what McCoy was thinking.

Then I watched The Ultimate Computer because it’s a good study in Kirk, and McCoy is basically there as the ship’s counselor rather than the CMO the entire episode. I love it when we see another skill set of McCoy’s!

As for the new movie, is anyone on my f-list going to see the 9-minute preview of Star Trek: Into Darkness during the premiere of The Hobbit at the IMAX? I’m not going but I just wondered who was!

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. ivycross

    Operation: Annihilate! and The Ultimate Computer are both awesome episodes. Kelley owns in both and it’s great to watch him shine. I wish I could see the preview of the new ST movie but I don’t have an IMAX near me, T_T. I resigned myself to waiting till May to go see it when it comes out.

  2. natashasolten

    I love that you’re watching old Trek or classic Trek or TOS or whatever people are calling it. Kelley is definitely an actor extraordinaire! The interesting thing for me is that when I was so into it since 1973, my focus when I turned 18 and found the “adult” zines was K/S because that was what was available. It also fed right into my slashy fantasies which I’d been having even before I ever knew about slash. Although through the years I dabbled in some triad slash fic (but very rarely) I was so die-hard K/S. It took me years and years to even read any other kind of slash, or write it, and then it was only Blake’s 7 and much later a revisit to Wiseguy sent me on a fanfic writing binge once again. Other than that, it was all K/S. Strangely, the reboot movie takes a different tone with me. I find, to my absolute amazement, that I am actually more a Kirk/McCoy advocate. I can’t quite figure it except maybe those two actors had the best charisma? But my partner disagrees and thinks the charisma is still there between Spock and Kirk, too. And I have to admit there was great charisma between De Kelley and Shatner, so I have just refuted my own theory. So…what’s this switch to Jim/Bones all about? I have no answers. As to Merlin, I’ve seen only two seasons. I wish it grabbed me…I wouldn’t mind…but alas not. Sorry to hear the new season leaves you so frustrated. Hopefully, tho, that’s in the longrun a good thing?

    • writer_klmeri

      I watched STXI as my introduction into Star Trek and thought, huh, this isn’t bad. So I systematically devoured TOS and a few seasons of TNG. It’s TOS, however, which made me fall in love with the fandom. That is the reason I started digging around for fanfics and later writing them myself. As much as I love the movie, it’s TOS that I fall back on for entertainment. :) Kirk-McCoy had more screentime together. They were portrayed as Academy buddies. It’s difficult not to think of them as a team with the way Abrams set up the storyline. I must admit, I will be very interested to see how he portrays Kirk-Spock in this new movie. I hope, however, that doesn’t mean Bones will take a backseat to the legendary power-house duo!

  3. kcscribbler

    I agree so hard with everything you’ve said. I think I’m going to start writing Merlin crackfic just to protest the increasing darkness and pointlessness of this series’s plot. As if turning Morgana last series into nothing more than a Camelot-era Joker (I liked her as a character until she just went nutso) wasn’t bad enough, destroying what was possibly the only strong groundbreaking character in the show by turning her into nothing more than a plot device is just…no. Not happy. Cliffhangers are one thing. Making you feel wretched and frustrated after watching an episode and only seeing more misery on the horizon is not what I’m looking for in an escapism like television. /rant Is it bad that I’m totally not interested in LOTR, but was considering going to see the Hobbit just to watch that nine minutes? *blush*

    • writer_klmeri

      I went to see a vampire movie just because Karl Urban was in it. So, no. Not at all. However, the things we will do just for an itty bitty piece of additional fandom – or fandom news, like watching Karl surf for ten minutes – should never be mentioned in public. :/ The worst part is the entertainment industries know we’re very desperate… and prone to throwing mountains of cash (that is, all of our meager earthly possessions) at them simply to have more – it’s a vicious cycle.

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