What did I say earlier about hatred?
A person wrote about my STXII fic here:
Fuck you.
Spock/Kirk is terrible in the reboot and some fictional threesome between these characters is disgusting. Into Darkness was the worst movie I’ve ever seen, and this fic is nothing but fangirl bait.
I replied:
Sorry you feel that way, Zee, but since you do you should have heeded the warnings and avoided this fic. This feedback isn’t constructive – it’s just unkind.
Was I supposed to apologize for liking the OT3 that I do? Because that’s not gonna happen.
I am not hurt by the comment. It just made me incredibly sad that it’s so easy for some people to be mean, given the opportunity.
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Good lord! That was terrible, m’dear! What possesses people to be like that? I’m so sorry they chose to take their hatred out on your story. That’s just so wrong on so many levels! *squishes* I like your new layout, btw. <3
Thanks all around. Yeah, this person is just looking to spread some misery. Unfortunately that means there will be targets like myself. *shakes head at people* Really… And I’m glad you like the new layout! This way I can stare at the boys if I need some inspiration. :)
Dude, WHUT. Someone’s mommy must have forgotten to child-lock her computer, because that’s just juvenile. Not to mention stupid. A comment like that just goes to show that the person isn’t even qualified to judge the Trek universe at all, if they’ve so totally missed the crucial concept of IDIC. (not to mention that it’s among, not between, when referring to three or more people, dipstick) Morons. I’m sorry you have to put up with people like that. :(
Juvenile is the word! I like to think that understanding the tenets of Star Trek takes a maturity – which obviously this person lacks. It’s just rude to spread misery around like this. Thank you for your support! This person could take note from you since you yourself do not care for slash yet you lets others be because you get IDIC.
Some people are dicks. Don’t let it get to you! We will all rage on your behalf, though :) There is no excuse for being horrible about someone’s work, and even less excuse for being downright rude on a personal level. I’m proud you rose above such nonsense in your reply! Also, the idiot poster clearly needs to extend their film knowledge – if Into Darkness is the worst they’ve ever seen, they can’t have seen many films, and are therefore not qualified to judge.
So true. People act in ways it’s disappointing to see. This is one of those ways. Thank you for the rage on my behalf!
Some people scream into the night over things that wind them up and forget with fan fiction that there’s a person on the other end or they just don’t care there’s a person on the other end. It’s all about them.
That’s right. Which is why this person should post on a blog over something to get their frustration out, rather than smearing it all over other people’s work. Of course, it’s probably not nearly as fun if they don’t have a target for their hatred. :/ Thank you so much for your support!
Hooboy. The way AO3 tags things makes the contents of any one fic pretty damn unambiguous, so why did they even read it if they hated the reboot and OT3???
And that response was very gracious when it didn’t have to be, so mega kudos to you!
AO3 tags pretty much leave nothing to the imagination. Obviously this person was looking for a target for their hatred. I was probably just conveniently around. Which is what disappoints me, because trying to find a victim is just wrong. Me and this gif agree wholeheartedly. :) And thanks.
I find that it is very easy for some people to be mean like this because the internet gives them anonymity. Hence cyber bullying on the increase. If they had to look you in the face I doubt they would be so forthcoming with their opinions. This is a case of I have lots of anger who can I misdirect it at and can I try and ruin their day with it as well. Your stories are great, your choices are your own to have (good ones I might add), and if someone disagrees that is there right to. However they do not have the right to be so mean spirited when your choices do not directly affect their lives. You and I had some differing views on K/B/S in the before time..lol but we talked it out and your great writing persuaded me to walk towards the light…lol
Cyber bullying – I never quite thought of it in that context… but I guess that is what it is. Unfortunately with the the Internet allowing for vastly different opinions – and stories – to be published, that means cyber bullying will always be around, because bullies will always be around. I guess being the bigger
manwoman (lol) applies here so there’s no need to misdirect anger – which, as you said, is what this person did. :) This is one of those things we shouldn’t pay forward, you know? I wish they knew that. I posted this to say “look at this silly person, let’s not be like that”. You just can’t take these things seriously. I know my work makes a lot of people happy and that’s always been enough to satisfy me so I don’t particularly give thought to the ones who aren’t going to like it. They aren’t obliged to read it. I appreciate all your words and kind remarks. You’ve supported me through a lot of stories and that means the world to me. It also makes me ridiculously proud that I could write something which makes you consider K/S/M in a positive light. *hugs* Thank you for being here for me!I’m glad your attitude is such. They have a delete button for a reason.
The comment is pretty obviously from a youngster…a very immature youngster, probably someone not even old enough to be reading slash. And I find it strange that people who hate the movie are reading movie fic. Also, I have no idea what “fangirl bait” is. It sounds completely insane. People are allowed to have their own opinions but this comment is not really an opinion. It’s a little kid throwing sand in the sandbox.
And I find it strange that people who hate the movie are reading movie fic. Unfortunately that makes this a case of “he/she wanted to find a victim”, which is what disappoints me. You’re right, it’s all throwing sand in the sandbox.