No, Brain!



After coming across a comment one of my readers made about If I Had to Keep You, I had a vision I did not need.

Why does it seem entirely feasible Jim would take a pet aboard the Enterprise?

Oh god. Dude having space adventures.

Somehow I foresee Spock with more to say about a fishbowl on the Bridge than he would concerning an unauthorized CMO.

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. hora_tio

    This is too funny. But stop and think…how did Jim get that hat on Dude…and for a moment there Bones did kind of think Dude could understand what he was saying….It was a “lassie did Jimmy fall down the well” moment…lol And now for the adventures of Captain Jimmy and his first fish Dude..aaww come on Bones I never had a pet when I was a kid…(makes puppy eyes at Bones)…you know Bones maybe if I had a pet as a kid I wouldn’t have gotten into so much trouble….lol

  2. evilgiraff

    Not to mention Dude being an illegal species in the first place! Poor Spock. I can SO see this. I can also see Jim bodging a load of pipes so Dude can swim around the ship and keep him company all over the place… He’d be a hit with the crew in the rec rooms and the canteen, I bet.

    • writer_klmeri

      LOVE the idea about the pipes! If the Enterprise was ever invaded, they’d just have to corner the intruders and push them into a vat or something – Dude and Co. would take care of the rest. >.> Cannibal piranhas charging to the rescue! OMG, the crack involved here…

  3. desdike

    I need more of Jim and Dude’s adventures, and Spock needs to meet Dude, prefereably on the bridge, so I’m hundered percent behind this idea. =)

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