Friends, we have a serious problem.
I don’t know what to write for space_wrapped this year.
I am committed to bringing you a story… but what that story will be is anybody’s guess. Since my brain is tired today and my muse is already packing for vacation, how about y’all give me some prompts?
I only ask that the prompt match the following criteria:
1. Involves Jim and Bones. … But if Spock somehow shows up, I’m not likely to complain.
2. Is (vaguely) Christmas- or winter-related
3. Not a sequel, pre-sequel, re-telling, or re-visitation of some ‘verse I have already written.
4. Has the potential to be humorous.
5. Requires no sexytimez between the boys; i.e. keep the rating below NC-17, please!
6. Is not mirrorverse. I am incapable of writing happy mirrorverse, and a space_wrapped story needs to make you laugh and cry and grin a little.
That is all.
Please help out your poor dear friend klmeri. She is clueless as to what to write for the holidays.
Related Posts:
- Keeper of the McCoy – from October 30, 2016
- McSpirking on my tumblr, Part II – from August 5, 2015
- McSpirking on my Tumblr – from March 29, 2014
- A Little Bit of McSpirk – from January 30, 2014
- Another Year, Another Story – from October 5, 2012
I’m thinking on it and will sleep on it as well. When I wake up I am sure my subconscious will have given me some sort of an idea to run with….. Maybe sooner if my creativity cranks into overtime….lol
Thought up any good Pike ones?
working on it for sure….
1. Hmm, something involving snow, I reckon. Details about snowflake patterns (maybe with writing on them?) would be ace, especially if there is mystery-solving involved. 2. ROBINS. KILLER ALIEN ROBINS. 3. Oh no, Jim has forgotten/run out of time to get Bones a Christmas present. So he wraps up some piece of alien wizardry that he was given on the latest away mission, and MAYHEM ENSUES. Bonus points if Spock is instrumental in putting things back to normal.
That third one just has me rolling with laughter and it’s only a prompt!
Do you want to do AU or normal? What genre sounds interesting? Fairy tail again? Murder mystery? Western? Medieval? Modern? If you’re not sure how about a murder mystery party where everyone works at the same company and it’s the Christmas party. Everyone has to work in groups to solve it. Or what about an alternate universe where they’re all members of a royal court preparing for the Winter festival? Or maybe just a modern (or even ST universe) story of everyone preparing for the winter holidays full of family goodness? Just people being nice to each other and wrapping up a long year of good and bad things? Jim and Bones’ first Christmas at the academy, away from home, away from family, maybe they’re just now becoming friends. Or ooooh. Modern fic. Set in a school either high school or college where Jim Spock and McCoy are teachers. Jim has a crush on Spock and asks McCoy to help him woe the man. McCoy has feelings for Jim but because Jim is his best friend offers to help anyway. McCoy does so by befriending Spock which leads the each of them developing feelings for each other. Wicked love triangle with their mutual friends (Uhura, Sulu, etc) getting them together on Christmas. Or maybe none of these. But hopefully something will have given you some ideas.
I see several good ideas in here… The one about the teachers, lol, made me immediately think that Spock was a math teacher, Bones a biology teacher, and Jim a chemistry teacher (because, blowing stuff up is his forte). And then I came up with the title Math & the Sciences, though technically math is a science. :D Too funny!
Bonus points for Spock bitching at Bones all the time because Maths is the purest science… That one sounds good! *hopeful*
I’m glad! Sounds like you have some plot bunnies bouncing around. Hopefully one of them will start reproducing quickly.
Maybe the ship’s been in a bit of a battering recently and Bones recommends medical leave, especially as it’s the same time of year as Christmas? A five times fic? Five times Christmas was celebrated on board the Enterprise and one time it wasn’t? or something similar? Idle moment whilst on shore leave between our threesome comparing Christmases? I mean, maybe Amanda would have tried to bring that tradition over once, if only to educate Spock about his human heritage? Erm…..does it show I’m not a writer? Freakizimi
There are no bad prompts IMO! I appreciate these.
I presume from “Jim and Bones” that’s it’s Reboot, not TOS (somehow I can’t refer to TOS characters as anything but their last names in my mind, and exactly the opposite for AOS), which admittedly isn’t really my thing, but…maybe something here in this silliness will then spark something awesome from the even-more-awesome which is your brain. 1. Jim has always loved winter/Christmas/whatever-holiday-you-want-to-call-politically-correct-in-that-century a little too much. Unfortunately for the crew of the Enterprise (and one particular sunshine-loving Southern boy), his computer programming skills do encompass reworking Environmental Control to let it snow. In the corridors, yes. (Spock applauds his new captain’s skills, if not his enthusiasm, before he decides that retreating to his cabin for a sweater is the more logical form of valor against a less-than-impressed CMO.) 2. You do know that there’s a positive dearth of Jim/Spock/Bones non-porny cold-and-therefore-sensible-cuddling fic, right? *makes with the puppy eyes* 3. (STID Spoilers) The senior command crew of the Enterprise has, unbeknownst to Jim, secretly adopted the poor tribble that led to his miraculous resurrection. As the animal is considered contraband aboard a Federation starship, they must take various drastic measures to ensure it is not discovered by their entirely too inquisitive captain, who is cheerfully tearing apart the ship in search of his hidden Christmas presents. 4. Every time I hear that lovely McCoy quote from TOS, something about “in all the billion billion universes, there’s only one of each of us – don’t destroy the one named Kirk” I always think of snowflakes, and how they are all individual. Maybe you could work that analogy in your fic somehow? Yeah, can you tell I’m in the mood for silliness and fluff? *goes back to hiding under fandom rock*
Love your ideas here, KCS! These are all very fun. (Why is there a dearth of cuddling fics? Go fix that!) And that’s one of my favorite McCoy quotes too. :)
In Need of a Friend