Title: An Idiot’s Guide to Christmas
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: pre-Kirk/McCoy
Summary: AU; Grandma got run over by a reindeer because, sorry, Santa was drunk. Or, in other words, Christmas isn’t the jolliest time of year for one Santa Claus in particular. During his holiday gig, Leonard is plagued by someone who has the appearance of a grown-up but is in reality the world’s most annoying kid. He wants Leonard to explain why Christmas is about celebration, which is an answer Leonard doesn’t have to give.
A/N: Based on prompt: McCoy is a department store Santa, and not a very good one. To make matters worse, some snot-nosed adult starts coming through the Santa line and trying to sit on his lap.
Date Begun: 12/08/2014
Last Updated: 12/12/2014
Date Completed: 12/13/2014
Due Date: 12/14/2014
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I wasn’t able to get on here last night. The internet wouldn’t coonect with page. So l am here to give you words of encouragement…. Better late than never
Tell me about it! I guess I work best under pressure. I also signed up for a mcspirk new year’s secret exchange. I am keeping busy this month!