Wow, it’s been a month since I’ve posted – or even written! – anything. Never fear… I’ve not taken off for the wild blue yonder.
June was my month of travel, and July has been my month to adjust to several changes at work, including the arrival of a new boss. This is a good thing, actually, because I’ve been juggling two jobs for our department, trying to act as a manager and a worker bee at the same time. I am more than ready to give up the duties that are not mine and which have stressed me out for a while.
That said, I think I should take the time to announce to those of you who were aware of it: I passed my CISA!!!
This is a momentous occasion. I am now a Certified Information Systems Auditor. :) I won’t go into detail, but it means I have the flexibility to go wherever I please for work. It means more marketability and more money. So YAY!
I honestly didn’t think I passed for three reasons: I barely studied, I was jet lagged as I’d literally gotten off a plane from Germany a few hours before, and no one I know has passed it the first time.
Anyway, I digress.
My brain is still a little consumed with meeting RL deadlines next month, but otherwise it should be recuperating nicely. In other words, stay tuned if you enjoy my stories. ;)
KLMeri out.
Related Posts:
- The Season Should Be Over But It’s Not Really – from January 7, 2015
- Happy New Year’s, Everyone! – from December 31, 2014
- McSpirk Gift Exchange – from December 15, 2014
- This Person Needs Help – from July 25, 2014
- Spring Finally Came – from March 29, 2014
How exciting for you……… Do you envision yourself relocating or changing companies at some point? I don’t know much of anything about your field so I don’t know if there are different sorts of companies you can work for that have levels of travel involved etc. I say CONGRATULATIONS and here is to the future *virtual toast*
THANK YOU! At this point, I am content to stay where I am. We’re in the middle of audit season so it would be awful of me to leave right now anyway. But it’s nice to finally be “certified” in my profession. :)