Title: The Rogue of Ciraea
Author: klmeri
Fanart: ebon_gray
Fanmix: eschelon and klmeri
Banner: klmeri
Beta: masteralida
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Black Jewels
Characters: SaDiablo family, OCs
Word Count: 62,375
Disclaimer: Anne Bishop is creator and owner of the Black Jewels World and the canon characters therein; this story is not written for profit, nor shall be marketed for profit. It is for entertainment purposes only and is a not-so-subtle homage to Anne’s genius.
Summary: The small Dhemlan province of Ciraea harbors a band of rogues in revolt against the Province Queen. When events begin to spiral out of control, the Warlord Prince of Dhemlan must step in to assess and handle the situation—which will be unfortunate for someone because the Warlord Prince of Dhemlan is none other than Terreille’s Sadist, Prince Daemon Sadi.
Timeframe: Assume Daemon has been the Warlord Prince of Dhemlan for several years.
A/N: Written for bjt_bigbang; Foremost, I want to thank my talented beta masteralida for her unerringly solid critique and ability to rein me in when I strayed too far into fandom bliss; eschelon, you are a dear and a saint for enduring my complaints, grievances, and general dominating self during the writing process; to not_from_stars, without your encouragement to seize my dream and write it, this fic would not have been born; much love and respect to my very good friend dark_kaomi who provided excellent writing advice as well as loyal support and interjections of rational thought into my incoherency; a stout and heartfelt thank you to my readers/friends from other fandoms who still lent un-ending cheer and well-wishing to my pursuit of fic-dom elsewhere; and finally, to klmeri, myself, it is necessary to say… “you did good.” :)
Read at AO3 or:
Chapter 1: 1 | 2
Chapter 2: 1 | 2
Chapter 3: 1 | 2
Chapter 4: 1 | 2
Chapter 5: 1 | 2
Chapter 6: 1 | 2
Fanart: here.
Thank you, ebon_gray! You rock! :D
Fanmix: The Heart of a Rogue
Related Posts:
- The Rogue of Ciraea – Preface – from March 3, 2011
- The Rogue of Ciraea – Epilogue – from January 29, 2011
- The Rogue of Ciraea – Chapter Six (2/2) – from January 23, 2011
- The Rogue of Ciraea – Chapter Six (1/2) – from January 18, 2011
- The Rogue of Ciraea – Chapter Five (2/2) – from December 25, 2010
If you post this to http://archiveofourown.org I can download it as a .mobi on my kindle *hope*
My main fear with A03 is that it will destroy my careful formatting! And don’t I need an invitation to join? Darn it! I wish I knew how to make you a .mobi file.
the formatting is pretty good there and it’s not so much needing an invitation as there being a waiting list. I’ll request some invitations though and we can see which one gets there first! I only found your story because the other writer at the bjt big bang posted there and I regularly cruise for bjt stories.
Two versions posted. The second, I think, says it is only 336 KB which doesn’t seem right… But I don’t have a Kindle to look at these.
Okay, I am uploading two different .mobi files – please tell me which one looks better on your Kindle, or if they are both terrible!
awesome! Will do as soon as I find my chord :D
Version 2 is by far the more readable :D THANK YOU!
No problem. :) I appreciate you taking the time to read my story!
I’m really enjoying it so far. The formatting isn’t perfect but I wanted to say that I like your decision to use present tense. I didn’t at first but I think the way it differentiates with Bishop’s writing really makes it better as a fanfic piece because I’m not stuck comparing every nuance to the original.
Thank you very much. You are actually the only person to have given me a response to this work (besides my beta). So I truly do appreciate your kindness! I was worried that the format wouldn’t preserve the spaces between scenes… which would make it difficult to see the switch of POV or setting. The brain works better with warning, you know? I write by default in present tense. For those not used to it (since past tense is way, way more popular) it can take some getting used to. I also agree with you that it lends the fic a unique quality; I couldn’t imitate Anne’s work perfectly if I tried, so it’s better to just write as me from the very beginning. Make sense? :) Again, thank you.
If you download the free Kindle app from amazon.com you can look at the .mobi — for some reason it announces Chapter One a lot lol. There are a few other blips but it’s not bad at all, and I love having a new novel to read on my kindle :D
It’s awful. So I deleted that .mobi, started from scratch and made a simplified version with an ~*~*~*~ to indicate scene breaks in the chapters. Please accept my apologies! And download the better version I just posted. :)
Lol, no need to apologize (I’m the one running you ragged so I can read it while I’m out of the apartment!) but THANK YOUU! I really am enjoying reading the story :D
I just finished reading, and I really thought it was awesome. In fact, I wound up joining a black jewels rpg because I had the urge to write in the series as well. Are you in any?
Oh Lord, forgive me for the late response. LJ is not sending comments my way. :( You ought to write in this fandom. It needs more love. I am not part of a Black Jewels RPG, but I do enjoy reading them sometimes.
Yeah LJ is being crappy lately. I have a few fanfics on archiveofourown — http://archiveofourown.org/users/eldestmuse — and you inspired me to join Blood Rites, lol.
I am sorry this is so late! I loved the story. It was well done. And I could understand both sides so well. :D
Thank you! I’m happy that you enjoyed it! :) That makes my morning.
You are very welcome!
I read your story and I thought it was really great. I felt you stayed true to the characters and this gave me another story to come back to in the Black Jewels world.
Thank you, thank you!