I’ve been waiting patiently for this journal’s first year anniversary… and it passed me by. LOL.
So I guess we’ll celebrate late today because I renewed my LJ’s paid account. :)
Here’s to a productive first year in the ST fandom! 53 fics, totaling ~600k words.
*feels like partying but sadly has no Karl* Pics of Karl Urban, anyone??
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YESSSS!!! KARL GALORE! Thank you! and it’s nice to hear from you, too. :D I love all these incarnations of Karl. <33333 No party is complete without him. Cheers! Here's to future fics!
oh my, is it a year already? time really flies! anyway I’m very happy for you! and congratulations for the fics! you’re really amazing. even if I feel bad for myself.. my anniversary was like two weeks ago, but my fics count is just 24 plus one WIP.. fortunately there’s you here to save the destiny of the fandom! :)
to save the destiny of the fandom LOL. Should this be my mission statement? XD I also think of this anniversary as a celebration of our meeting. :) That makes it more wonderful.
LOL it really should! it quite fits what you are for the KSM fandom! :) I thought about that too, you know? maybe I’ll go to see when I sent you the first, infamous :) mail, what do you think? we should totally set an anniversary for our friendhsip :)
First email or first review? LOL. We have many stepping stones!
mmm.. I didn’t think about reviews.. mmm.. you’re right about the stepping stones, but maybe the mail is more meaningful than the review? after all someone gets to review nicely a lot of people but it stops there.. (you know, I’m beginning to feel like a twelve ear old girl….. :))
;) Reviews are how we met; emails are how we built a friendship. (We’re both silly, my dear. At least we are silly together!)
so the gist of this is that we should have two anniversaries? :) (I don’t know if that comforts me or not…. :))
Congratulations! 600 k is impressive. Seriously, few writers ever reach that far, let alone their first year. I hope you can keep it up!
Happy Anniversary! So glad you joined up here and have been such a prolific writer and have given me long hours of reading pleasure!
A very happy anniversary to you!