Along Comes a Stranger (8/?)



Title: Along Comes a Stranger (8/?)
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change.
Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This is not exceptionally long but we needed to get a feel for this new facet – and its complications – added to the plot. The next part will dive right back into the action! :)

Part Eight

It is nearing midnight and Jim lies on the couch with a pillow over his face. McCoy is asleep upstairs in Jim’s bed; Spock has retired to the guest bedroom that the lawyer is renting at the Kirk farmhouse. The living room is dark and quiet, except for the faint glare of moonlight peeking between drawn curtains.

Sighing and tossing the pillow away, Kirk sits up.

There will be no sleep for him tonight.

Soundlessly, he pads barefoot down the hallway, through the kitchen, and out the backdoor. Rejecting the steps, Jim wanders down a stone path that leads to his mother’s garden. He climbs over the fence separating the garden from an untamed field beyond and settles on the ground just on the opposite side, leaning against a fence post. Eyes having adjusted to the dark, Jim watches the gentle sway of tall grass, waves of it stretching so far into the distant that it could be endless. Close by, a long thin shadow twines between stalks rising from the ground at the edge of the field; a snake, hunting in the cool night for a meal.

Jim’s eyes close, and he drops his head back against the post, enjoying the breeze on his skin. Time falls away, seemingly lost in the serenity of the witching hour. In that moment he wants for nothing, nor is troubled by anyone or anything.

After a while, Jim becomes aware of the rustle of fabric, of someone’s approach. He doesn’t open his eyes, not even when a thin blanket settles around his shoulders. There is a new smell now, in the blanket and scenting the skin of the hand that brushes his golden hair from his forehead—familiar and warm. Jim feels like a young boy again.

Winona whispers fondly, “You can’t sleep out here, Jimmy.”

This is their routine.

“Okay,” he promises, “but just one more minute, Mom.”

Like always, she spreads a second blanket on the ground beside him and sits down, tugging her robe and nightgown over her knees. Jim automatically scoots toward her, and she lets him lean on her shoulder, saying, “My Jimmy boy.”

He’s never too old to be cuddled in her eyes.

“Is it anything I can help you with?” she asks, knowing that he only comes to this spot when he is unsettled or upset.

On instinct Jim almost says no but he thinks for some seconds and decides, “Maybe.”

“Then tell me,” Winona encourages her son.

He does.


“…you should not assume the action will be lawful.”

Considering McCoy’s dropped jaw, Bones is as surprised as Jim to hear Spock say those words. Unlike Jim, however, Leonard has years of familiarity with Spock to exclaim, “Are you out of your mind!?” The man sputters for a moment longer, then springs from his chair and backs away from both Jim and Spock. “No!” says McCoy vehemently. “Spock—just no.”

Spock raises his eyebrows, mostly unperturbed. “I have not explained the plan yet, Leonard.”

“And you had better not!” retorts McCoy. “God help me, I knew you were off-the-wall sometimes, but I didn’t know you were insane. The last thing Joanna needs is a father in federal prison.” Leonard grabs at his hair, wide-eyed, and tugs as if the mere thought of going to jail scares the shit out of him.

Jim finds his voice at last. “Let’s… everybody, let’s just calm down, okay?” He turns to Spock. “I’m with Bones on this. If you’re going to suggest something l-like kidnapping…”

Leonard whimpers and pales when Jim gives voice to the word ‘kidnapping.’

Jim grimaces. “That’s a bad idea, Spock.”

For a silent moment, Spock simply blinks. Then slowly his gaze moves from Jim to Leonard and his back goes rigid. His voice is surprisingly cold when he says, “You both indulge in overactive imaginations. I could—could not be party, let alone instigator, to the kidnapping of Joanna McCoy. The notion itself is absurd, Mr. McCoy, Mr. Kirk. Joanna is a child and Leonard’s former wife is not unsuitable as a mother; to force Joanna into a hostage situation, kept from one of her parents, is not only unwise but also cruel.”

A tension loosens in Jim, and he almost slumps with relief. Leonard hesitantly sits back down, clearing his throat and saying to Spock, “I, uh, I’m sorry. It’s just that what you said implied committing a crime and…”

Spock’s countenance seems to soften at Bones’ apology. “I understand how you might have interpreted my insinuation, Leonard. You must forgive me for not being entirely forthright.”

“Forgiven,” says McCoy quietly. “Now tell me what you meant. I promise I’ll listen before I jump out of my skin again.”

“What I wish to suggest would be considered illegal in certain scenarios—but not as I intend us to employ its use, not in the truest sense. Yet while it might not be unlawful, you may still believe the action to be morally reprehensible.” Spock pauses, and Jim and McCoy both unconsciously lean in to hear the rest. “Your vie for joint custody of Joanna was denied on the basis that you could not provide a stable household.”

“Which is bullshit!” Jim breaks in angrily. “The judge was probably a homophobe.”

Spock neither agrees nor disagrees with Jim; McCoy’s expression says plainly yeah, the judge was a SOB all right.

Spock continues, “We must create a stable household before we can re-petition the court. Because joint custody is more feasible as a goal than a starting point, given the latest verdict, we will ask for visitation rights to your daughter.”

“I’m not getting how any of this is likely to make my grandmamma roll over in her grave, Spock,” McCoy remarks with a small frown.

Now Spock hesitates, glancing at Jim out of the corner of his eye. “Leonard,” begins the lawyer, “in order to convince the court that you are equal to their standards—”

Jim’s stomach drops.

“—you will have a greater chance of success if you are married.”

Jim has no say, and Bones, it seems, has no words for Spock’s gentle suggestion.

“I understand, of course, that you would find it difficult to remarry for emotional reasons. I recommend that we select a suitable candidate based on her willingness to…” Spock falls silent for a couple of seconds. When he picks his sentence back up, he speaks as though he hadn’t had a lapse. “…assist with your situation and that of your daughter’s. She will need to be convincing yet subtle in her affections for you and also of irrefutable good character.”

Leonard has the look of a man trying to disappear into his chair. His color is back, undeniably so, but Jim can see that Bones is finding this entire conversation to be unpleasant.

“Bones…” Jim tries to make his voice soothing but it comes out as pathetically sympathetic.

“Spock,” McCoy says, voice strained, “I know you’re tryin’ to be helpful but I don’t think I can—I can get married again.” Leonard is looking at his left hand as he speaks.

“It would be a business arrangement,” Mr. Spock tells him. “Nothing more. I could draw up a prenuptial agreement that protects you financially but other stipulations, such as intimacy, must be in verbal agreement only—and done so privately. I cannot protect you in that regard.”

Jim swallows the lump in his throat so that he can agree with Spock. “The idea might actually work. Bones, if we find the right girl, she’d be a great stepmom. Even if, you know, you two weren’t…”

Oh fuck but this is hard. Jim clamps his mouth shut against the rest of that thought. Bones gets married and that makes someone like Jim—what? The mistress?

Jim wants to smack himself. He and Bones aren’t even involved, other than one or two delectable kisses, and Jim is already trying to figure out how he would fit into this scenario.

“I can’t,” insists McCoy.

“You could,” clarifies Jim, sounding as strained as Leonard, “but you don’t want to.” He catches Leonard’s eyes. “I guess the question is: what are you willing to do to be a part of Joanna’s life?”

A low blow like that is certainly unfair, and Jim sees a flash of anger—maybe hate—across Leonard’s face for a split second. But Spock would not have hounded McCoy, followed him this far, if the lawyer didn’t think it was a worthy plan. Jim finds that he has to believe in Spock as much as he believes in Bones.

Kirk asks Mr. Spock carefully, “What happens if McCoy’s marriage is exposed as a sham?”

“Part of the hearing will require testimonies from Leonard and his spouse concerning the validity and stability of their relationship. In the event of discovery of the arrangement, he would face possible charges of perjury and fraud. The venture is not without risk.”

“But if he wins visitation rights, he gets Joanna.”

“Should the home environment prove beneficial to Joanna over time, Leonard gains proof that he is an excellent caretaker and he may be awarded joint custody. The outline of this plan, however,” Spock tells Leonard directly, “spans the course of several years. You must prepare yourself for its duration.”

Leonard groans into his hands. “Y’all are talkin’ like this is decided. Well it ain’t! I’m the one who has to—“ Leonard clenches the armrests of his chair, like he had another sudden shock.

Jim’s mouth goes inexplicably dry when he sees the way Leonard is looking at Spock.

McCoy says calmly, if in a slightly deep voice, “You’ve been thinking on this for a while now, Spock. Can you honestly say the idea doesn’t bother you? Me marrying some woman?” Then with gentleness, “What if I fell for her, eventually?”

Spock is equally calm. “You must be allowed to see your daughter. I will help you accomplish this. If I have personal feelings over how the goal is attained, they are irrelevant.”

“You can’t be my lawyer if you don’t feel, Spock.”

“I do feel, Leonard,” and Spock stands at this soft admission, clearly unwilling to discuss the matter further.

Jim interjects, “Enough, Bones” when Leonard refuses to leave the subject alone. “We aren’t going to solve this problem overnight.”

“You are correct, Mr. Kirk. I only ask that Leonard consider my proposal before we speak again.”

“And Bones will,” Jim assures the lawyer. “Give him a day or two to think it over.”

“I shall.” Spock bids Leonard and Jim goodnight and announces that he has notes to review. They make no comment on Spock’s swift retreat to the second floor. Nor do they say much to one another in his absence.


Winona rests her cheek on the crown of Jim’s head. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

Jim pulls back to look at her. “What? Why? Bones is the one—“

“Jim,” she says to him, “you can’t fool the woman who birthed you. I’ve seen the way you look at Leonard. People used to tell me I had that look when I was with George.”

He opens his mouth to deny it but she simply stares at him until he turns away, face hot.

Winona runs a hand over his hair. “You may think it wouldn’t matter if Leonard had a wife in name only, but I know you. Even if you love someone you could never legally marry, you would be married in your heart—you would act as if you were—and it wouldn’t feel right if he had a wife.”

“Hey, I’m not really much for commitment or propriety,” Jim mumbles and his mother replies, “Nonsense! You’re my son, James. You won’t settle until you find the right person—and when you do find that person, it’s forever.”

She doesn’t say Like it is forever for me and your father, even though he’s gone. She doesn’t need to.

Jim jokes, “You make Bones sound like my soulmate.” He glances at her, catching the tail-end of a strange expression on her face.

“I think he’s close” is all Jim’s mother offers as explanation.

Jim tries to ask her what she means but Winona pulls her robe tightly around her and stares out over the field, eyes unfocused. “Do you want to know what I think about Mr. Spock’s idea, Jimmy, or should I stay quiet?”

“Of course I do,” he replies, startled that she would ask.

“You know my opinion on marriage. I know some people marry for convenience rather than love, but I think back to that time I had with your father, before he was deployed, and I can’t help but want two people to marry because they have what George and I shared.”

Jim is always simultaneously pained and happy to hear about his father, particularly when Winona speaks of him with such love in her voice. Why his parents couldn’t have had a lifetime together makes him inevitably sad for his mother.

“But then I think about being a mother, having you—” She smiles at him. “—and I would never want to be without you. I would miss you more than I miss George. If the plan can work, Leonard has to do it. He needs his baby girl.”

Jim nods and bows his head.

“C’mon, love,” coaxes his mother, “let’s go inside now.”

He lets her lead him along the fence to a small gate, then through the garden and back to the kitchen. They linger there, each enjoying a glass of warm milk and not saying a word. When Jim finally stretches out on the couch again, he is fast asleep within several minutes, more at peace but more heartbroken than he has ever been in his life.

Next Part

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. weepingnaiad

    Well somehow I missed the previous part and got to read two at one go. Actually it’s for the better, though I’m broken hearted for Jim and Spock as well. That was difficult and so sad. Spock’s plan has merit and I can easily see his idea working, but at what cost? Ouch. Lovely, lovely moment between Jim and Winona and I like Jimmy’s backstory and his reason for returning to Riverside.

    • writer_klmeri

      Things are just never easy for these boys, are they? Just when I think I have enough distractions in the plot… I’ll be honest: I was tempted to end the story here and say, Sorry, my brain can’t handle the rest! There’s so much going on in this Riverside town, it’s mind-boggling.

  2. romennim

    okay, the kidnapping idea was a bit far-fetched and it was childishly romantic, but this is pure heartbreak! I’m feeling so sad for the three of them..

    • writer_klmeri

      Welcome to the party! XD You are halfway to catching up! Agreed, this Winona is AWESOME. She’s the perfect mother for Jim.

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