Title: Holiday Revenge (6/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Goodbye, Holidays. Events turn ugly, for Kirk’s enemy has found the perfect way to pay Kirk back for his meddling. Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Chapter warning for murder. Part Six The police cruiser …
Holiday Revenge (6/?)
Holiday Revenge (5/?)
Title: Holiday Revenge (5/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Goodbye, Holidays. Events turn ugly, for Kirk’s enemy has found the perfect way to pay Kirk back for his meddling. Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Part Five “We’ve got a problem,” Jon says as he peers …
A Union to Remember
Title: A Union to Remember Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: One holiday in particular has much meaning for Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. A/N: Written for McSpirkHolidayFest round; based on this prompt from starfleetdicks: Academy Era: Commander Spock finally takes time to view the fireworks over the Golden Gate Bridge after much …
Holiday Revenge (4/?)
Title: Holiday Revenge (4/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Goodbye, Holidays. Events turn ugly, for Kirk’s enemy has found the perfect way to pay Kirk back for his meddling. Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 Part Four Officers move about the precinct with purpose, their assignments in hand. …
Holiday Revenge (3/?)
Title: Holiday Revenge (3/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Goodbye, Holidays. Events turn ugly, for Kirk’s enemy has found the perfect way to pay Kirk back for his meddling. Parts: 1 | 2 Part Three Steam rises into the morning air. Jon cradles the paper cup in his …
Holiday Revenge (2/?)
Title: Holiday Revenge (2/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Goodbye, Holidays. Events turn ugly, for Kirk’s enemy has found the perfect way to pay Kirk back for his meddling. Part: 1 Part Two The night-shift receptionist is new and apparently not up-to-date on the family tree of every …
Holiday Revenge (1/?)
Title: Holiday Revenge (1/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Goodbye, Holidays. Events turn ugly, for Kirk’s enemy has found the perfect way to pay Kirk back for his meddling. A/N: Maybe I should offer a warning before we start down this path? The Holiday series so far has …
The Home Stretch
1,904,467 WORDS! I hope to make this the year I finally reach 2 million words. *fingers crossed*
Bids and Blessings
Title: Bids and Blessings Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: In realizing what a close relationship Spock had with his mother, Jim begins to think about the last time he felt like a son. A/N: Written for Round Two of the McSpirkHolidayFest challenge; based on ladybuggete‘s prompt: Jim keeps Spock company as …
McSpirkHolidayFest – Mother’s Day [Update Post]
Title: TBD Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: In realizing what a close relationship Spock had with his mother, Jim begins to think about the last time he felt like a son. A/N: Written for Round Two of the McSpirkHolidayFest challenge; based on ladybuggete‘s prompt: Jim keeps Spock company as he gathers …
Double Trouble
Title: Double Trouble Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Lately McCoy has been bringing his concerns to the First Officer. Someone is not unaware of this. Before the door to his office slides completely open, Commander Spock is alerted to a new presence by the sound of “We’ve got trouble.” …
The Usual Poison
Title: The Usual Poison Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: What better way to spend the holidays than avoiding everyone? Jim Kirk finds out quickly enough that being alone is not an option, not when Spock and McCoy are around to get under his skin. A/N: Despite submitting this story …
Hallowed Three
Title: Hallowed Three Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock and McCoy muse on how they ended up married to their captain, who doesn’t seem the least bit concerned about no longer being single. There is a quiet gathering in the large assembly room: a mixture of Starfleet officers and a race—known …
For the Greater Good Too
Title: For the Greater Good Too Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Three silly scenarios in which Spock and McCoy must work together for the greater good. #1 “This is great… just great,” says the man peering into the box at his feet. “I must disagree, Doctor. I see nothing …
Goodbye, Holidays (5/5)
Title: Goodbye, Holidays (5/5) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Pike/Archer, Kirk/McCoy Summary: Sequel to For Holiday’s Sake. The aftermath of Nero’s attack leaves the Pike family on edge. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Chris had to take a seat halfway through McCoy’s recounting of all that he learned from …