Chapter One To say Leonard McCoy and Jim Kirk become instant friends would be an outright lie. Truth be told, John doesn’t see the Kirk kid again for six months. Jim is very much like John in one respect: they are both loners, and only by the sheerest of coincidences does the most irascible doctor-cadet …
Of Sacraments and War – Chapter One
Of Sacraments and War – Prologue
Of Sacraments and War Prologue War is Mankind’s greatest accomplishment. The epithet of the World shall read: Remember me not as charity and brotherhood; I am a maker of war, eternally bedded upon the ash and bone of my enemy. Thus when Man moves beyond the World, to boldly go where no Man has gone …
Faux STBB Announcement
It’s faux because I am not really writing this for the comm startrekbigbang; on the other hand, in early May, I will be posting a complete and hopefully lengthy saga of a Star Trek fic. I recently watched the TOS episode “Space Seed” to jog my memory for my current story What We Feel. Except …
Clash of the Titans
Title: Clash of the Titans Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS, Doom Characters: Reaper!McCoy (both of them) Disclaimer: I don’t own either Star Trek or Doom characters. I’m just entertaining myself with ’em. Summary: STXI/Doom Crossover. Mirror!verse. John needs a little excitement and challenging bloodshed in his life. The USS Enterprise is the perfect place. …