No worries, I’m not exactly missing. Once I finished my epic, my brain decided to take a break. I have been attempting to coax it back but it’s very, very stubborn and, I suspect, preoccupied with random Korean dramedies, soap operas, and Bruce Greenwood – the actor who played Captain Christopher Pike in the STXI movie. Really, isn’t it unnatural to have so many gorgeous men in one movie who can melt you with their sexy looks?? I can’t figure out why the film didn’t combust from all the hotness; maybe lens flare was JJ’s counter attack. LOL. XD
Basically the brain is not cooperating, even though I’ve had several potential ideas and tried writing them down. So. What have I been doing instead? Manual labor. Painting and prepping a house for sale.
BAD BRAIN. I’m tired of getting the answering machine. CALL ME BACK ALREADY!
Related Posts:
- Some RL Things – from July 19, 2015
- The Season Should Be Over But It’s Not Really – from January 7, 2015
- Happy New Year’s, Everyone! – from December 31, 2014
- McSpirk Gift Exchange – from December 15, 2014
- This Person Needs Help – from July 25, 2014
Absolutely nothing wrong with being obsessed with this man:
Oh yes. I’ll see your Bruce and raise you a Karl.
Fine, I see your Karl and raise you a Chris:
Oh, we’re playing this game now huh? I wanna join!
I didn’t know who to pick so I started with Simon
Wow. Never seen such a sexy Simon before! Now I’m raising you a John.
And I raise you a Zack. Two Zacks actually.

Jesus, rockin’ Zack. I’d say you win except I have to toss down Anton. So sweet, this one, that you cannot help but think of doing bad, bad things to him.
And yeah, these two together… 
He looks so weird with his hair cut short. I see you, and raise you sexy cute Bana.
It’s necessary to say that I want Eric. So bad. >.>
Oh. And because I can – a Leonard.
Well fine then have a Data.
Now you’re asking for it, my dear!

The sounds I just made. You are an evil, evil woman. Fine, take this:
WHAT am I going to do with you?! First using my love of Bana against me… and now you dare to use Patrick!
William – aka Trelane – sees you.
I am so in love with this man…Here.Oh now you’ve done it. Well then. HAVE AT THEE!
Ahaha!! I have no words. XD
Mission accomplished.
oh my, I have never seen the first one before.. he’s so.. aaahhh! thanks for posting it. from the bottom of my heart
A young DeForest is just lovely, I know. :)
Can I just say that I have to keep coming back to this .gif because I love, love, love how f-ing tall Quinto is? That’s what attracted me to his character in Heroes.
I knoooooooooow. Those legs. Those fucking legs! Goddamn.
I think your brain just needed time to regroup and refuel. It’ll be back. Just let it rest.
It’s resting. :)
you sound a bit addicted.. I mean, a few days ago I thought you wanted (I can’t say if totally consciously or not) a break from writing.. now the total opposite :) p.s. Karl is the best :)
I AM addicted. I want to write. LOL. XD Karl is the best. Always.
okay, well. I probably misunderstood :) he’s not just sexy, he has something.. I don’t know.. irresistible :)
You didn’t. I always need a break – even just a small one – once I finish something. But now I’m ready to write again! I just can’t get my brain to agree.
it will, and I bet very soon :) you – and it – never disappoint :)
*sends out APB for brain and chocolate and pretty boys for you in the meantime*
Some Nimoy, Shatner, and Kelley in the pic war-poker above would not go amiss. XD And thank you. I hope my missing brain turns up. Maybe we should follow the ion trail??
How about this:
And this!!
This is a fun post! Don’t forget about EpixHD’s Shatnerpalooza (you can get a free trial, which I signed up for so that I can see his interviews with all the captains — I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t want to see Chris Pine and William Shatner arm wrestle?). Link is Here But I think I’m going to end with this:
Oooooooohhhhhhh. *dreamy eyes*
*nods* *starts full sensor sweep* And my my, look at all teh pretty… Definite thumbs-up to U.N.C.L.E.-era!Nimoy. ^_^
That’s a great picture of De!
We love all of our boys of ST. Everyone, check back in a little while. I will post a collage of all pics contributed to this post. ;)
It’s not gorgeous and hot, but it’s hilarious and I thought you might get as much of a kick out of it as I did: (Also, it occurs to me; you’re not the only one who’s had a brain go missing! Now you can say you have something in common with Spock. :P )
Your theory about lens flare as a countermeasure to prevent spontaneous fangirl combustion has merit… :-D
Exactly. What else could have distracted us from overly hot men except pretty lights? LOL. ;)
Collage posted here! Bonus inclusion of pics in download, too.