I think I speak for all of the poor souls of the Star Trek fandom who had to endure days of frustrated error messages while trying to access fic and community fun when I say OH GOD, WHHYYYY? I know I suffered!
I have to say, I’m feeling rather grateful for the LJ maintenance team we have. I bet they’ve been working around the clock to combat the DDoS attack. Thank you, LJ!!
On the other hand, I had time to re-watch some old TOS episodes, contemplate the multitude of universes universe, complete some actual RL projects that had been pushed to the side in favor of fangirly habits, and discover the almost-deceptive ease of Google Docs. My only regret is that typing on my smartphone is tedious because I’m nit-picky about sentences, and I feel pretty silly about using my phone’s dictation software in public to write fic. I mean, really, do you know the kind of looks I’d get if I was walking in Kohl’s department store while saying “… and Spock turns to stone under the weight of Doctor McCoy’s forgiving touch…” to the clothes rack?
Anyway, I hope we are able to enjoy LJ again as we normally do, by reaching out to people like ourselves to share what we love. For those of you catching up, I posted Always on the Run on Monday and three stories on Tuesday – L’Horreur, Things He Knows, and Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily Show?
Sorry, I know. It’s just like my brain to make a comeback at the worst possible time. I hope to have some more fic soon!
Related Posts:
- Some RL Things – from July 19, 2015
- The Season Should Be Over But It’s Not Really – from January 7, 2015
- Happy New Year’s, Everyone! – from December 31, 2014
- McSpirk Gift Exchange – from December 15, 2014
- This Person Needs Help – from July 25, 2014
It seems like things are getting back to normal. Also sad news, the sequel release date is being moved back. J. J. Abrams doesn’t want to be rushed and forced Paramount to bend to his wills. ….SCHIZOPHRENIAAAAAAAAA. It’d be worse if it was porn. …Which I was writing at work today hahahahaha. (I’m a cashier. IMAGINE THE CHAOS IF I’D BEEN CAUGHT)
I did not need this sad news. J.J., you make me weep! I suppose I’ll have to keep strong by writing my version of the next movie, which is the following: Re-cap, Vulcan gets destroyed by a Romulan (albeit a future-alternate Romulan not associated with the Empire). Star Trek lore hints that relations between the Romulans and Vulcans are not great but they aren’t terrible either. In fact, Romulans have a smidgen of respect for their ancestral brothers. I’d like to see the Romulan Empire attempt to intervene in the “re-colonization” of the Vulcan race. Maybe some intending to integrate the remnants of the Vulcan race into Romulan society; maybe others with a less benevolent motive. Nevertheless, Spock!Prime sees it as an opportunity to pursue the cause he had in his universe – bringing peace. This could lead to a sort of storyline like the sixth movie The Undiscovered Country, except the Federation and the Romulan Empire have to work out a “compromise” between themselves. And you know, address the obvious anti-Romulan sentiment no doubt roiling through the Federation after Nero’s attack. I am very interested to know what you were writing while at work. Though I think we all know it’s best to refrain from writing porn while at work. Particularly when your desk is in a position that the boss can see you. :/ I console myself that at least I don’t believe I am a Vulcan or a Starfleet officer or both. That would be worse, yes, if the “talking to myself in public” was less about fic ideas and pertaining more to a delusion…
Oooh that sounds interesting. Very deep and philisophical. I’m curious to see how you bring this about. Oh no the boss can’t see me. The customers however… It was an outline for a scene that was crystal clear in my head. These things happen so rarely that I had to jot it down. It went straight into my back pocket as soon as I was done. …And now it appears to be gone. Awesome. Maybe it’s in my vest. Hopefully. Oh god. Also I’ve been writing for days now. It’s really boring when it’s slow and I’m not the only one who does it.
*facepalm* DID YOU JUST ADMIT YOU WERE WRITING PORN AT WORK?? Edit: I don’t know why my brain didn’t catch this the first time. Can I just say that I blush will writing a scene about two people kissing – wondering if someone is going to catch me doing it – so I can’t imagine writing actual NC-17 material. If you can do this, you win at life.
It was interesting. I was standing at the cashier counter IN FULL VIEW OF ANYONE WALKING BY/IN/AROUND and I was writing things like “sex” “enlarged penis” “condom”. It wasn’t very long but it was definitely explicit. No one noticed though and I folded it up and put it in my pocket almost immediately.
Lol I know I suffered too! XD I agree the LJ team is working so hard and has done a wonderful job. :D