

Can I just say that I was amazed by the sheer brilliant creativity that resulted from startrekbigbang last year, and that I am beyond excited to see what this fandom produces in a couple of months?

I doubt I have experienced a fandom as talented as this one before. To everyone out there participating in STBB, good luck! You are in the process of making us the happiest fans EVER!

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. infiniterider

    Lol, yay! This post makes me smile, because just yesterday, I was feeling mildly discouraged, thinking that people may skip over my story because it takes place in the mirror universe (TOS). I think some people fear mirrorverse stories and skip over them automatically, but we shall see! Lol, looking forward to being able to read again, too.

    • writer_klmeri

      You aren’t wrong. Some fans aren’t thrilled about mirror!verse because the dark side of our beloved characters are too much to handle. They want clean, light-hearted stories. I, for one, am a lover of the m!verse – otherwise I wouldn’t have written a K/S/M story in it. LOL. :) So, yeah, there will be people who will skip it but I imagine there will be many, many more whose curiosity get the better of them. Thank you for writing mirror!verse!

      • infiniterider

        Yeah, Rosie and I discussed this a few times, and we think part of it is because a lot of kink meme prompts sort of “use” mirrorverse as a place where non-con, BDSM and other stuff that some people find hard to take are “allowed” freely, or are a regular part of society. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but it kind of makes MirrorVerse seem synonimouos with non-con, which makes me sad. Eeeee, this is what I mean, I need time to read, because I didn’t know that you had a K/S/M mirror story! ::hangs head:: My BigBang is K/S/M by the end. Of course, it’s TOS, so how could it not be, right? XD Thanks for the encouragement, BB! I hope people will give it a try, but even if my only readers are Rosie and you, I’ll be happy and grateful! :)

        • writer_klmeri

          Yeah, the mirror!verse can be used as a place where “unmentionables” happen without rhyme or reason, simply because of the innate evil over good theme. If we want to read about Kirk forcing someone to perform sexual favors, it’s easier on the conscience to make him mirror!Kirk and say he just does stuff like that on a whim because that’s who he is. Understandable. Yet m!verse is not just a bad place; it’s a way of life, and a hard, unforgiving one at that. The stories I like best in m!verse have a vision of the universe itself, not just of the characters, and so we get to see what it takes for people to survive in a universe of “mirrored” values. My m!verse fic is called Winner Takes All. I wrote it to test my comfort zone. :) I am really, really happy to learn that you are incorporating K/S/M in your story. There simply isn’t enough of the threesome in the m!verse.

          • infiniterider

            I agree, it’s great to be able to get a good look at how the place works. When I have characters do bad things, I have a tendency to make it regular universe, or slight AU, because I guess in my mind it seems that much more awful for them to be doing it? The few times that I’ve done it (Patterns of Force, and Sins of The Father would be the most striking examples), it kind of became an “understood” AU, because of the events that take place. But I totally understand that making one’s characters do evil can be very tough, and I think like you said, Mirror characters can make it a bit easier. It’s hard enough to let bad things happen TO your characters, much less making THEM bad! I took a look at your warnings for Winner Takes All and I see what you mean about testing boundaries! :D It’s good to do that sometimes, too. Beleive you me, Sins of the Father seemed to test all my boundaries at once (omg). When I get this monster STBB out, I will have to go over there and git ta readin’!

  2. weepingnaiad

    There were some amazing stories out there. It’s almost too many at once since I still haven’t finished all the Kirk/CCoy ones. I’m looking forward to this year because the fandom has slowed down so much.

    • writer_klmeri

      I haven’t read them all either, because I’m actually afraid every time I click on the beginning of a story that I won’t be able to walk away and will subsequently lose hours of daylight that I need. And seriously? With some of the best authors churning out 50k+ stories of sheer awesome… it’s terrifying! Murder mysteries and Regency romances and and and… I wish I owned a publishing house; then I would print everything like a crazy person and start an honest-to-God library.

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