The Flame Bucket is Born



So somebody burned me anonymously on my latest installment of The Case of the Mondays, Part 7 and rather than hanging my head in shame (which, sorry, I don’t feel like doing), I thought I would make certain EVERYBODY got this person’s message.

I think I’ll dub this new section of my journal The Flame Bucket. After all, people who don’t leave their contact information make it difficult to respond to their critique in private.


bored said:
you take one chapter to say what could have been said in a paragraph.

Response: Did I? Whoops. Too bad I don’t feel particularly sorry about that. Why? Because it would have been a very long paragraph. The point of writing action is to draw people into the story. I don’t see that being done in a few words or less. I will concede, however, that it takes finesse and experience to par down a story to the bare minimum to get the point across. I also agree I am not at this stage (maybe never shall be), but I’m not just throwing words out there simply to see how pretty they are. Besides, if I never digressed from the main plot at hand, how would I world-build my little AU, or tell you what a new character is thinking, what motivates him?

My advice to you is if it’s boring, don’t read it. Otherwise you will make yourself miserable the more you try. Usually I end up skimming something that does not engage my full attention – and I can tell you that this often happens because I am looking for a specific scene or action or conclusion and cannot be satisfied until I get there. Maybe this is the real issue behind your boredom.

On the other hand a lot of heart and soul goes into writing. If the author envisions an idea, whatever it is, the words are usually begging to be written down. And giving into them is simply good practice. On general principle I keep what I write because I believe it needs to be said – maybe not for the readers per se, but definitely for the characters. For this reason I never truly fault an author for writing too much because I understand why he/she does it.

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. dark_kaomi

    Hey, you’ve finally become popular! If you’re big enough to warrant the attention of trolls you know you’ve truly entered the fandom. Congrats! On the topic of the comment: I agree with you. The writing may not be important to the plot but it is damn well important for the character. Plus I like that you write a lot.

    • writer_klmeri

      LOL! What a truth that is. Popularity comes with the bad as well as the good. I have you to thank for the “write a lot” bit. You have always encouraged me to see beyond the surface of a story. When I am writing I like to ask myself what my friend (namely you) would want to know about what is happening – and more importantly why. So you see you have helped me became a more robust storyteller. :) Thank you.

      • dark_kaomi

        I meant to reply to this hours ago and I just- I fail. I’m sorry. Yes but you can also look at it as “you’re big enough to be worth bothering”. Silver lining! ……..I don’t even know what to say to this. Pretty much I’m happy to have inspired you. But in my head I’m just blushing my head off and stammering. That’s about as coherent as I’m getting.

        • writer_klmeri

          :) Yes, I know, I’m just not sure the other meaning is true. K/S/M is still such a tiny part of this fandom, no matter how I try to spread the love! It is a lovely thought, though, and one I appreciate. Well, you’re welcome! I sort of debated over telling you this because I don’t want to come off as creepy or stalkerish. Like Spock, LOL. But it’s all true. You’ve helped me from day one, with the encouragement to keep writing and to learn new skills, expand my horizons… and then you beta-ed for me and that was the icing on the cake. So now I always ask myself the questions you posed to me or might pose to me (have I mentioned that I love that you love to think about people and how they tick?). You just don’t realize how effective a good beta can be, how it changes a writer’s perspective! :D

  2. weepingnaiad

    You’ve taken this with good grace. Personally? It’s a stupid comment. I prefer stories that actually develop characters. And, as you said, if they don’t like it, then don’t read it. I think I don’t allow anon comments so I’ve never been trolled. *knocks wood* I’ll take constructive criticism, but that wasn’t.

    • writer_klmeri

      You know, I surprised myself. When I was a younger author, a first-timer in any fandom about a decade ago, I would have been upset by a negative comment. But you know what? Somebody is always going to find a reason to be unhappy about your work. It’s a fact of life. I suppose this would matter more if it were actual constructive criticism, such as a reader pointing out, ” I wish you had done so-and-so because…” *shrugs* But it isn’t. Allowing for anon comments is taking a risk, yet this one person would never persuade me to revoke that. Thank you for your support!

  3. sangueuk

    people are such cowards, bb and I’m sorry you had a nasty stuck under your shoe like that. Personally I dread something like that happening to me, surely it’s time. I love this series, I’m a little behind as I’ve been saving it to read in one go since I loved the earlier parts. Don’t allow idiots to censor you – we do this for fun, remember, and if people don’t like something they have a right, but they should shrug it off and move on, or maybe direct the energy into world peace or something. So, just saying, loads of hugs and keep at it – you are wonderful! *hugs*

    • writer_klmeri

      Thank you! I love your work so it does not surprise me no one has been negative about it – but if that ever happens to you, just know people are idiots like you said. And then kick the idiot’s proverbial butt out of your comment box and tell ‘im to stay away from decent people’s journals. Also, lots of readers prefer to have the whole story in their hands, so to speak, before settling in to enjoy it. Not a problem. I expect it to be finished some day!

  4. kcscribbler

    People like that make me almost discard my Christianity so that I can tell them what I think of them and what they can do with themselves with a clear conscience. *is fuming* And of course, the reviewer is a person whose writing experience consists of filling out job applications for a spectacularly engaging career at Taco Bell, no doubt. *gives you a can of gasoline for teh flame bukkit*

    • writer_klmeri

      It is amazing, isn’t it, how little some people respect the effort required to accomplish something. Thank you for the support! *hugs*

  5. natashasolten

    Not only a troll, but an ignorant troll! Stories that are too sparse (unless it’s an intended “style”) read like first drafts. I prefer longer stories myself (but not always)…something I can sink into…and character development is number one on my list of “must have.” But I tell you, any story could be told on one paragraph. But then why bother to even write or read it? One paragraph stories (or chapters) are not stories! It was unnecessary for this “flame” to be made. If this person is bored they are free to “change the channel.” But they don’t need to tell the author that. If perhaps there was some actual constructive criticism in that post it might’ve been more helpful…as it is, it’s merely thoughtless, hurtful (even bullyish) behavior that should be ignored. Hard to do…I know. As writers our stories are close to our hearts. Even if we “tough up” we are lying if we say rejection does not hurt.

    • writer_klmeri

      Everything you said. You are awesome. A red flag of Ignoramus is written all over this single line comment. I almost pity the person for that. And hence while it isn’t fun to know someone doesn’t enjoy my work, I definitely think I can let this one go as unworthy of my concern.

  6. romennim

    wow.. they almost made it sound like a criticism, but it’s just a really stupid flame. you were even too kind, giving some kind of reply, in my opinion..

    • writer_klmeri

      It is more satisfying to say I don’t agree. And you are right, it almost could have passed for constructive criticism except it had no supporting evidence!

  7. antesqueluz

    How ridiculous. I’m always wanting more, not less. As you said, you’re world-building here. Makes it all the more interesting. Anyway, you handled this very graciously. Looking forward to the next installment. :-)

    • writer_klmeri

      :3 Nicely put. The great thing about an AU is the slow reveal of those characteristics which make it interesting and set it apart from other ‘verses. Anyhow, the Story continues on, my friend! :)

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