

Thank you, Paramount, for finally hearing our pleas and throwing us something else to ponder over about Star Trek Into Darkness.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis.

With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.

As our heroes are propelled into an epic chase game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

-taken from this article

…They sure are making this movie sound like a Gary Mitchell thing with “one man weapon of mass destruction.”

I’m going to see Iron Man III on my birthday (May 3rd), and then bite my nails for a couple of weeks until this airs (May 17th)!

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. fairyniamh

    HA! I knew it would be Mitchell! No offense to Cumberbatch or his followers friends… but he doesn’t look like a Khan… at all. If it is Mitchell… I really will be doing some ‘Ha, in your face.’ to some of my friends. XD

  2. ph0enix_flyer

    Yes! Early days yet, but that summary sounds so encouraging to me. Careful though, people would go mad if they saw the colon that you put into the title just now! XD (Me? I’d do it just to annoy people, but ah well.) In the first one, they had to cement the Kirk/Spock friendship and command team. But, there wasn’t much of anyone else besides at least one cool scene for each of them. Referring to the crew as Kirk’s ‘family’ is something that the man didn’t figure out for a long time in the TOS universe (or at least, didn’t fully believe until Star Trek III), so to me it’s a very good thing for this more gung-ho version of Kirk to get that idea knocked into his head earlier. Knowing that he matters to other people will likely calm him down a lot and make him a better leader. More McCoy would be nice too; TOS had three starring actors, after all so they’d better not downplay him in this new universe. Plus, someone will DIE if Uhura starts to take his place. Seriously. It’s one of my nightmares. I dunno about the Gary Mitchell thing. I’m more inclined to believe that what Karl Urban said was a deliberate plant, like they did a few times for the first one. Either that, or it was a hint and the storyline is going to be based on a similar theme of ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’. It’s an interesting concept, either way. One thing I am now positive about is that it isn’t Kahn, though. Kahn was genetically altered, he was powerful and he was smart. But he wasn’t a “one man weapon of mass destruction”… more like a master manipulator. Dunno about you, but I never thought it was going to be Kahn from the start. I know Star Trek fans have a history of pessimism, but after the first one, you’d think they’d give Abrams more credit. The man has a reputation for screwing projected timelines and concentrating on stories and characters; it’s why everything he’s touching is turning to gold at the moment.

    • writer_klmeri

      LOL, I didn’t even think twice about the colon. I just sort of assumed it belonged there? I took it out. -still chuckling- I couldn’t agree with you more about McCoy. I will go to Hollywood myself and start kicking people in the shins if Leonard takes a backseat in this upcoming movie. There was enough of that misery in TOS. And J.J. went so far as to invent a new background where Kirk and McCoy are friends at the Academy. He’s already built one side of the Triumvirate right there. Which makes me wonder how he will handle the Spock-McCoy aspect. It really is as legendary as Kirk-Spock. I’d love to see solid trust and mutual respect between the doctor and the Vulcan by the end of the movie. Boy, that would do my heart some good! I never thought it would be about Khan. That’s a disaster in the making, if ever there was an idea of a remake. You just don’t… touch Khan. Unless it’s in a comic.

      • ph0enix_flyer

        Pfft, ahaha. Classic! ;P Wait for me to fly over there and I will be your back-up. Though you’ll have to keep an eye on me, because I’ll kick more than just shins! Yeah, McCoy seemed to get more important as the series went on, especially by the third season. Then, the guys were a solid triumvirate by the movies; enough to scare questionably-insane Vulcans. Though I’ll shut it now, because I really don’t need to tell YOU that. XD That’s the most common thing I see in these ‘What Do You Want To See?’ polls and memes: more Spock-McCoy bitching. They were the humour of the show and while I really loved Scotty’s more comedic role (it’s Simon Pegg… it was a given), that isn’t really Star Trek humour. Plus, I remember one recurring theme being that when Spock and McCoy DID agree and team up, it put the fear of God into people. I wanna see a bit of that! So, I couldn’t agree more. Nope… would just be suicide to try.

        • writer_klmeri

          :D You can talk ALL YOU WANT about the triumvirate. I never tire of hearing about them, and it’s been three years since my obsession became, well, an obsession. The comedy is good but the comedy isn’t all there is, which fans like you and I are well-aware of. Remember that time in All Our Yesterdays where Spock goes back for McCoy in the middle of a literal ice age? I’d like to see Spock fight for McCoy’s life – or vice versa. I’d like to see them terrifying the enemy by coming up with a plan between themselves to save the ship (I think the ‘and Kirk’ is implied here, LOL). C’mon even little children without much exposure to ST will know Kirk-Spock is something that must happen, it’s so iconic. We had the Kirk-McCoy dynamic hand-fed to us during STXI. So yeah, J.J. had better bring the rest of that equation!!! I’m a mathematician. I need balance. LOL.

          • ph0enix_flyer

            That’s about the same kind of timeline for me, then. I knew of TOS Star Trek and I can remember my parents watching a few of the films every now and again. But it was only after watching the 2009 film that I REALLY got into and sat through all of the TV episodes and the original movies. I’ll honestly say that nothing beats the original, but I owe my obsession to J.J. Abrams. XD Yup, it was the relationships. And I certainly do remember that. At first, Spock completely ignored Zarabeth’s advances in favour of making sure McCoy was alright. I loved it, because we didn’t often see that much open care from Spock towards anyone, even more so toward McCoy. The Immunity Syndrome was another one I loved. That episode was just full of Spock&McCoy-based squishy moments. Yup, definitely! (Nah, it’s less implied… more like an un-offical rule!) He’d better. Plus, some triumvirate away missions would be nice; that’s another things that’s iconic too! Scientist. Balance makes life easier. ;)

            • writer_klmeri

              Plus, some triumvirate away missions would be nice; that’s another things that’s iconic too! LOL. You made me think of the episode “The Ultimate Computer”, where basically the M-5 tells Kirk that he and McCoy are not logical choices for away missions.

              • ph0enix_flyer

                Ayup! It went against everything that should have been in the book to have three out of the four senior officers on an away team. Yet, even at the start of the show, noone really batted an eyelash. If the more mature TOS!Kirk fobbed the rules like that, then AOS!Kirk definitely will.

    • writer_klmeri

      Also, I’m about to give up on the title altogether. It’s so much simpler to say and type STXII. And there’s no ominous ‘darkness’ in there.

  3. kcscribbler

    I’ve thought all along that they were going the Mitchell route, just because I remember JJ Abrams saying he wanted to completely revolutionize the franchise back with STXI (and surely old-school fans would rise up and cry outrage at the rebooting of The Ultimate TOS Story), so I had to say I was relieved to see that basically confirmed a couple weeks ago. I’m still prepared for them to pull out a weird twist, though, because I can’t see them following the path of WNMHGB since it really was a bit lamely predictable. Cumberbatch will make a fabulous villain, though, regardless. :) From everything I’ve been able to find about it, I can only see two possible routes – I’ll either love it, because it sounds epic and I’m a firm believer in personal crises vs. duty stories and this-crew-is-your-family; or I’m going to hate it, because it’ll destroy the headcanon that took me over a year to finally integrate into my TOS-loving heart to an extent where I didn’t hate XI and everything it stands for. That universe is already borderline too sad and gritty for my personal taste; I hope they don’t spiral us so far down that route of darkness that I no longer like the characters and the universe. I hope they turn Spock and Uhura into a brilliant powerhouse couple rather than an afterthought side-story to satisfy the het shippers; I hope they show us some chemistry between Spock and Kirk, because we only got hints of what they could be in STXI; I hope we start to see the glimmerings of a new Triumvirate – or, if they insist on adding Uhura to that dynamic, a powerful force of four – and above all, I want to see Hope. Hope that while Destiny may have screwed up that universe, there are still some things that are simply too strong to be destroyed by chance or twists of fate. Off-topic, I have to question the writer of this article (I thought maybe my Twitter had misquoted when it showed up, but apparently not)…”Detonated” the fleet? Is that really the word they want? And do they mean “epic chase game” or epic chess game? :/

    • writer_klmeri

      I want the things you want, pretty much, though I will grit my teeth through any Spock/Uhura like I always do. I just cannot make that pairing work in my head but I know the Abrams franchise won’t give it up. And yes the article’s author must be without a handy dictionary or proofreader. Or this summary was translated to English. Srsly. Also that “darkness” route hopefully won’t happen. I can’t take another Merlin-like scenario.

  4. evilgiraff

    I think it sounds good, but am so afraid of it being awful. Hopefully it will turn out like the Dark Knight, and be so blindingly good that I lose the power of speech after the end. So long as Bones gets a properly starring role, I’ll be happy, though. It should be about the three of them, not Kirk/Spock with a sprinkling of McCoy. I agree JJ Abrams set up the Kirk/McCoy relationship well, but we barely saw McCoy in the second half of the film, and I’d hate for that to happen again. Still, all this about crew-is-family does make me hope for slash-friendly moments. Maybe there will be hugging…

      • ph0enix_flyer

        I have no clue, they’ve not released any new information with it. I’m gonna guess at least a couple of years, though. On the up-side, we don’t have long to wait for the trailer now. The Hobbit comes out in less than a fortnight and someone is bound to put it up online.

    • writer_klmeri

      You know, I was never very impressed with the Gary Mitchell storyline in TOS, except for the bucket of angst it opened up for Kirk. I look forward to seeing how this gets rebooted, especially since it has to be a vendetta type story, don’t you think? Oh wait… That sounds a lot like Khan. :P

  5. january_snow

    omg, had no idea they had released something. AT LONG LAST. well, sounds entertaining enough, i think. and it is not the whole Khan scenario, which i was not very taken with for some reason. thx for sharing!

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