One week left until my space_wrapped fic is due to be posted, y’all, and I am down to the last 4k – 6k of you’ve made the mess, now it’s time to REALLY fix it portion of the story. Ugh. Why is this always the hardest bit? I just want to throw the covers over my head and wait until the words magically appear. Maybe somebody will just raze the jail and, voila, no more plot to worry about! …Or characters. Hm, not so good idea, I guess.
Oh and, this damn fic ought to have a sequel. But I’m not going to write one. :P
Can I get some inspirational gifs, please? *begs shamelessly*
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Also, just because I came across this randomly and with those awful TMP uniforms my first thought was OMG MOVIE ERA PYJAMA PARTY.
*laughing so hard* It is a party of the pj’s!!!!
And Spock’s so totally not comfortable with the illogical concept but got dragged along against his will into one as a sort of reacquainting bonding exercise. XD Bones: You’ll participate and like it! Spock: … [reluctantly, and stiffly, sits] [awkward silence] [cricket chirp] Jim: So…popcorn?
Awkward city. Until Kirk tries to make the popcorn by hand, and then it’s disaster city! :D
Yes, because we all know he can’t cook anything bigger than a marshmelon. XD One last little motivation:
Pouty!Spock will pout until you’re done, and who can resist that face?
Don’t give up yet! You can do it! If not for yourself then for the captain
Look at that face. It just says, “Come on, finish your story. Pretty please, for me?” Beside you can’t give up now. if you do Mirror!Spock, might use your agonizer on you!
I wish you the best of luck! *P.S. Sorry for the large gifs*
:DDDD Look at that face! Oh, Kirk, I really don’t want to disappoint you. Of course, I will try. Your agonizer, please. But, Mr. Spock! XD This is really good motivation you provided. Thank you!
I try and you are welcome!
Light some beautiful-smelling candles, make your desk cozy and appealing, maybe add a glass of wine. Pick a favorite word or tiny piece of poem o quote that THRILLS you…fit it in a sentence somewhere in these last 4000 words. It’s a goal.
This is amazing advice. I did a version of this where I sat in my “reading area” (has a chaise lounge and lots of books, LOL) and felt very peaceful. It was great to be able concentrate on my writing without any interference or noise. Also, I did read some poetry… but the result of that is part of the story. ;)
I did read some poetry… but the result of that is part of the story. ;) FANTASTIC!