RL Isn’t Always a Joy



So… I’m aware I haven’t been around in the last two weeks. I had a much-needed vacation during the first week in June (sadly the only one I may get all year). I’m sure many of you know what happens on the Monday you go back into work following that…


Basically, somebody put two high-priority projects on my desk while I was away, that kind that leave me scrambling to get them done in a few days while said somebody constantly calls me going, “Is it done yet?”

“Look,” I want to tell that person, “this isn’t even in my job description, and I had a schedule before this which barely fit in all of my other work. Now I can’t meet those deadlines! For god’s sake, man!” (<-- notice I lapse into my McCoy-mindset when I'm upset. LOL.) I’ve had moments since Monday where squeezing my stress ball didn’t work, taking deep breaths didn’t work, and my expression scared people. Suffice to say, nothing fandom-related is getting done.
:( And for that, I am terribly sorry!

I will announce that I did take the time to (unexpectedly) choose a prompt at jim_and_bones‘s Regeneration Challenge, one by the_dala that seems like something fun. I hope to have my presence of mind back by the end of next week to start working on that.

Also, if you are waiting on more of Take Us Out, the TOS adventure wip, I ask for your patience. I started the second part but have fallen out of the mood of the story. It’s difficult to regain it when I can’t think, so… I’m going to try my best. That, I will promise.

Lastly, HAS THE NEW SEASON OF TEEN WOLF AIRED YET? I am in serious need of a distraction right now.

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. ellipsisthgreat

    It HAS aired, darling! There are actually 2 eps out so far – hopefully that’ll brighten your week somewhat! *hugs*

  2. hora_tio

    Well it certainly sucks to come back from vacation and be loaded down with crap like this. It sort of ruins the afterglow of the vacation experience. Anyways, hang in there and I am glad to see you have some humor about the situation. I look forward to reading your new stories as you post them.

  3. tigergir11333

    I basically had the same thing happen only sub “vacation” with “getting my wisdom teeth out and then getting dry socket”, and deadlines replaced with lots of extra hours. Don’t blame you. I’ve been working on a piece and all I’ve been able to do during this time is go “such and such scene will go here”

    • writer_klmeri

      Exactly. I can visualize the scenes but can’t find the energy to write them down. It’s not precisely writer’s block but it’s terrible nonetheless.

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