I know I’ve been scarce lately these past two weeks, and that’s due to RL drama whose goal seems to be to make me cry on a daily basis. Which mostly I just cry on the inside to save myself embarrassment.
On the other hand, maybe RL feels bad for me because I got some good news about my job yesterday. Almost two years of being a “contractor” (ie a full-time employee without benefits), and finally I am on the road to getting hired as a regular salaried individual! Yay, no more unpaid holidays!
This gave me a little bit of courage yesterday when I needed it most to stand up for myself. I wouldn’t say I am able to turn the situation completely to my advantage, because I’m already financially on the losing end, but at least I let those on the opposing side know I can’t be walked all over.
Fandom-wise there’s still the matter of finishing the Jim-Bones saga. I’d say I am halfway there. Since I find it really difficult to write when I’m upset, there’s been some missed writing time. My apologies.
Take Us Out has to wait, unfortunately. Right now it’s second priority to the fic mentioned above.
Well, that’s my update. I wanted to let y’all know I am still alive and kickin’, if distracted and unhappy. But these things too shall pass. Or so I hope! :)
Related Posts:
- Some RL Things – from July 19, 2015
- The Season Should Be Over But It’s Not Really – from January 7, 2015
- Happy New Year’s, Everyone! – from December 31, 2014
- McSpirk Gift Exchange – from December 15, 2014
- This Person Needs Help – from July 25, 2014
If you need someone to talk to or just vent to I’m always here.
Thank you. I may take you up on that offer if things don’t improve. The one person I would normally tell is the very person I can’t talk to.
Oh damn, that’s sucks. That’s hard.
I feel bad now that I’m finally on vacation and I’m sitting here staring angrily at a blank screen because my muse apparently didn’t decide to come with me and let me write something. :( Life sucks sometimes, no matter how undeserved it is. I hope you get some You Time soon!
*cue as-close-to-a-hug-as-they-ever-got-
coughonscreencough*Maybe your muse wants a vacation too? IDK. Similarly in the moments where I have had the opportunity to write in the last month or so, it’s been hardest. Let’s just blame it on bad RL and summer fever. Life surely does suck sometimes. I’m waiting on the upswing. It’s overdue. There should have been more hugs in TOS. I can see here Jim likes having them both so close, we know Leonard wouldn’t mind, and Spock seems acclimated to the touching. :P
Yeah RL can really suck sometimes. I’m thinking that it sounds like maybe with this change in your job status means things are on the up swing for you. I certainly hope so. I’m sorry your job atmosphere is less than perfect. I’ve been there and it can really suck the life right out of you. But this too shall pass. Feel free to rant and rave on here all you want ..this is your safe place. They say writing is made up of the author’s RL experiences. I’m of the belief that your writing will benefit from this crappy experience. At least that would be one good thing to come out of this, not to mention YAY..benefits, paid holidays. Feel better soon and keep us in the loop…we care
My job is fine right now, actually – and looking good with the improvement in status. It’s my personal life that is haywire and threatening to break my sanity. Ah well. C’est la vie! Thank you for caring. It’s very comforting to know I have some friends here wish for my happiness, as I wish for theirs. :)