Some of you have now or in the past sent me lovely comments about my writing and maybe gone so far as to speak of trepidation about expressing your own ideas.
Do you know I was terrified when I posted the opening chapter of my first Star Trek story? My hands literally shook as I pressed the Post button. It IS nerve-wracking to put your heart into something and wait for the judgment of your peers. You feel like they can make or break you.
The truth is I’m not really talented. I’m determined. When I posted that first story and people actually said they wanted to read more, it encouraged me to do better. And I did. I’ve been writing and writing and writing, and never have I stopped trying to perfect what we consider the art of story-telling.
Everybody can tell a story. That’s fact. You simply have to teach yourself how to tell it in a way that can reach most people. Unless you have the ability to magically craft the perfect characters, plot, and lines the moment you begin typing (that was never me and no one I’ve ever heard of!), you spend a lot of time in the learning phase. I don’t consider myself someone who has left that phase. The stories I write today won’t be as good as the stories I write in a year. That was true when I started this hobby of mine some four years ago. In fact, when I think about how long it’s taken me to figure out a good way to write, I am embarrassed! But you know what? The experience has totally been worth it. And I couldn’t have made it without a strong support system along the way – which has been the Star Trek fandom itself. :)
You would be a part of that fandom. Whenever you’ve said “good job”, I admit I squealed ridiculously loud. But more importantly, as I tackle the next chapter or the next story, I can remind myself that fellow fans offered me those words, and that they seem to have faith in me, and so I push through. I’m not going to lie – it’s really difficult sometimes and it’s really super-easy to think you can’t do it or that you’re not good enough. If people think I don’t have constant doubts about a skill I’ve spent a long, long time cultivating, they would be wrong.
So what’s the point in me telling you all of this? Well…
I want you to turn one of your ideas into a story. I know that can seem daunting, but a story can be as short as a hundred-word drabble. It could be a synopsis. And you know what? You don’t have to post all over the internet. Just send it to me. I swear I’m not going to come at you with a flame-thrower if you do!
I just want you to know what you’re capable of when someone has faith in you.
Sincerely yours,
Related Posts:
- The Fic Analysis – from September 17, 2014
- A Headcanon and Some News – from September 1, 2014
- Just An Update on Life: KLMeri – from June 7, 2014
- Update for the Holidays – from December 28, 2013
- No, Brain! – from July 20, 2013
I am hoping a prompt comes to me while I sleep…………….
lol imma send you an ask real quick