Title: Clash of the Titans Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS, Doom Characters: Reaper!McCoy (both of them) Disclaimer: I don’t own either Star Trek or Doom characters. I’m just entertaining myself with ’em. Summary: STXI/Doom Crossover. Mirror!verse. John needs a little excitement and challenging bloodshed in his life. The USS Enterprise is the perfect place. …
Clash of the Titans
Write, write, write.
So I am writing the fourth, and hopefully final, chapter of my bjt_bigbang fic. There might be an epilogue, of course. At the moment, I am stuck. :/ The story needs the climax, ultimate confrontation, and resolution. Urgh. Help? I could use some encouragement. My brain is chugging along much too slowly and requires a …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (9/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (9/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (8/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (8/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (7/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (7/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (6/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (6/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
The Rogue of Ciraea – Chapter Three (2/2)
5 / minor SaDiablo estate “Why does Marian put up with you?” Surreal SaDiablo growls as she is escorted into the family estate bordering Ciraea. “I can’t answer that question, witchling,” Lucivar Yaslana replies. The witch continues grumbling. Lucivar twitches his wings in amusement. “You could have at least let me stay at the inn, …
The Rogue of Ciraea – Chapter Three (1/2)
Chapter Three Kaeleer 1 / minor SaDiablo estate “Get lost, Prick?” Lucivar steps past his brother. Daemon smoothly shifts out of reach of a spread wing. “Marian needed convincing to watch Daemonar by herself for the next few days.” “How much groveling did you do?” Lucivar scratches his chin. “Enough.” It’s not the groveling he …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (5/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (5/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (4/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (4/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
Worries and General Writing Upsets
I’m starting to have doubts about my bjt_bigbang fic. Is this normal? I was so excited in the beginning! Now it seems like a waste of time, because it might not even be entertaining enough once it’s done. You know, some really great tales have come out of the STBB this year, and it makes …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (3/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (3/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 | …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon (2/?)
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (2/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is less than fortuitous and bodes ill for the rest of Jim’s crew. Previous Part: 1 Part …
(Altered) Meme Stolen from
RULES: Post a sentence/paragraph scene (because I can) from every WIP you can find. No explanations allowed, just excerpt. Two WIPs and three pieces that never went anywhere… A/N: These five are actually old “unfinished” drabbles but that means in my lingo “never to be finished”. :/ I have made them part of the The …
The Boy and the Sea Dragon
Title: The Boy and the Sea Dragon (1/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Disclaimer: I make no profit on my fandom writing. But I do enjoy lovely comments. :) Summary: On an away mission, Captain Kirk encounters an old friend he hasn’t thought of in years. Unfortunately, their meeting is …