Difficulty Engaged (6/10)



Officer Huido rarely has an exciting day, and he has been in his given profession for over fifteen years. Yet what should have been the best day of his career—nay, of his life!—is completely ruined. This is why he sits moping over his great loss in a holding cell. Utterly dashed, the once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet and impress the ever-illustrious Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise.

Judge and Jury



Title: Judge and Jury
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Summary: Kirk tends to forget he isn’t a one-man team, which is why a captain has a crew, to remind him otherwise.

Difficulty Engaged (5/?)



There is a common misconception about the telepathic, that they prefer each other’s company to any other. In fact, the opposite is true: unless of the same species with similar training and complementary strengths, telepaths are generally wary of each other—with good reason. One slip, one clumsy or careless burst of emotion or thought, from a telepath can lead to the obliteration of the other’s shield, forcing them both into raw, crippling exposure.

Difficulty Engaged (4/?)



Leonard steps from the path of a vendor’s cart whose owner seems more interested in running down shoppers rather than pausing to let them look at his wares, finally noticing that Ruti and Chee are several paces behind him. Neither one appears concerned about losing their charge in the crowd, however, or that said charge could use the opportunity to bolt.

He spins back to the pair. “Are you planning to loiter all day, or can we get going?”

Difficulty Engaged (3/?)



McCoy sits back, noting the ominous creak of the chair that had been unearthed from one of the junk piles for him to use and feeling lucky that it held his weight through the last procedure. His gaze slides over his patient a final time, confirming she’s still breathing, before settling on the flickering light from an old standing lamp nearby.

Difficulty Engaged (1/?)



Title: Difficulty Engaged (1/?)
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Summary: During leave, trouble thwarts a good plan and causes Kirk and Spock to accelerate the timeline of their McCoy-centric agenda. But true to form, McCoy is already playing by a set of rules they don’t understand.

Remember When



Title: Remember When
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: McCoy/? (reader decides the partner)
Summary: AU-ish. Healing happens at its own pace. McCoy is reminded of this in the oddest way possible.

Ghosts We Know



Title: Ghosts We Know
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Summary: Working on the same starship has its disadvantages for couples. Sometimes they agree to frightful adventures just to spend quality time together. And sometimes it’s the being together that creates the adventure. Naturally Kirk, Spock, and McCoy end up in some form of these scenarios simultaneously.

Exhibits A to D (4/4)



McCoy feels the hum of the Enterprise through the floor of the transporter platform, which seems to be more noticeable on a crewless ship. He glances at the man beside him to judge Kirk’s reaction and is met with a concerning empty expression.

McSpirking on my tumblr, Part V



[ Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV ] Click a link to jump down to a section. Radio DJs Best Qualities Casanova No Regrets — Radio DJs Imagine Jim, Spock, and Leonard as radio DJs. Jim and Spock host a morning show that is wildly successful simply for the fact …