Title: When Mischief is Afoot (2/3) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Jim and Spock are up to something. Leonard wants to know what that something is. Mischief ensues. Previous Part: 1 Or read at AO3 Um. I messed up. This was not supposed to be serious or more than …
When Mischief is Afoot (2/3)
ellipsisthgreat finished the Jurassic Park/STXI epic! Go read Líberanos del Mal! I was lucky enough to read the fic through Word Wars @ jim_and_bones as it was being developed, and geez. It’s fun and frightening and brillant. Also, it’s Jim/Bones. ;D Also also, dinosaurs! XD
Oh, TV
BBC is intent on making me sad and confused this season with Merlin. In other news, I rewatched Amok Time and it never gets old. Anyone’s thoughts on why Spock chose to have McCoy come along to the ceremony? Spock made a point of implying that Jim is not simply his captain. It seems like …
I Love My Saturday Trek
“Captain, although your abilities intrigue me, you are quite honestly inferior – mentally, physically…“ -Khan Noonien Singh to James T. Kirk, Space Seed Nobody does arrogance better than a superhuman, war criminal tyrant. Unfortunately, every time I watch this and Khan mentions Kirk’s ‘abilities’ I think, “What, Jim’s ability to hand over the schematics to …
When Mischief is Afoot (1/2)
Title: When Mischief is Afoot (1/2) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Jim and Spock are up to something. Leonard wants to know what that something is. Mischief ensues. Or read at AO3 Though I am currently focusing on the development of my space_wrapped story (posting date will be December …
WHAT? [Teen Wolf news]
“We’ve got some sad news for ‘Teen Wolf’ fans. Colton Haynes has confirmed that he won’t be returning to the series for its third season, set to debut next summer on MTV.” – from this article WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST PAY HIM THE MONEY, MTV???????? OMG. No Jackson next season. What? To all my mutual …
Don’t You Just Love People?
People make me angry sometimes. All I said was I lament what is happening to one of my favorite characters. (This is in regards to the latest episode of Merlin.) Do not tell me it is just a tv show, or that I am silly to be invested in the outcome of these characters’ lives. …
The Holiday Waywards: XI
XI: Pike ~~~ While I am I, and you are you, So long as the world contains us both… While the one eludes, the other must pursue: Browning: Life in a Love “You are the biggest asshole this side of the Mississippi! I will kill you! No, first I’ll take my belt to your backside …
The Holiday Waywards: X
X: Scott ~~~ There is the faith that never fails, The courage in the danger place A.C. Doyle: Retrospect Archer turns without a word and leaves Pike alone with Jim. Chris gropes for the vacated chair and eases into it, not daring to take his eyes off of his son. “Jim,” he questions slowly, because …
The Holiday Waywards: IX
IX: Kirk ~~~ Who mourns for Adonais? Oh, come forth, Fond wretch! and know thyself and him aright. Shelley: Adonais Pike thinks he is prepared to do this with his son. He isn’t. Not when the bright lighting enhances every terrible mark upon Jim’s face. It’s only because of his iron will—and Archer’s subtle shift …
The Holiday Waywards: VIII
VIII: McCoy ~~~ We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon; How restlessly they speed and gleam and quiver, Streaking the darkness radiantly! yet soon Night closes round, and they are lost forever:— Shelley: Mutability “Leonard,” Christopher says, lowering his voice even though he is standing next to McCoy’s chair, “think for a minute. …
The Holiday Waywards: VII
VII: Uhura ~~~ When the sun sets, shadows, that showed at noon But small, appear most long and terrible. Nathaniel Lee: Oedipus Through the mirror, Pike and Archer watch Nyota Uhura take a seat at the table in the interrogation room. The young woman is not just lovely but beautiful in the kind of way …
The Holiday Waywards: VI
VI: Pike ~~~ Our storm is past, and that storm’s tyrannous rage, A stupid calm, but nothing it, doth ‘suage. Donne: The Calm Chris and Jon relocate to Archer’s office in the aftermath. “Shit,” Jon curses for the umpteenth time, looking at Pike’s bloodied arm. “It’s just a scratch,” Chris reassures him. The older man …
The Holiday Waywards: V
V: Sulu ~~~ Now every friend is turn’d a foe In hope to get our store: Dryden: You charm’d me not… The fire in Hikaru Sulu’s eyes tells Chris this chat is going to be fun. The deputy-guard is barely out of the door before accusations start to fly. “You bastard,” Sulu says furiously, “what …
The Holiday Waywards: IV
IV: McCoy ~~~ The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes — or it prospers; and anon, Like Snow upon the Desert’s dusty Face, Lighting a little hour or two — was gone. Fitzgerald: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishapur Pike has seen Leonard McCoy in many states of mind but nothing that …