Title: Along Comes a Stranger (10/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 …
Along Comes a Stranger (10/?)
Along Comes a Stranger (9/?)
Title: Along Comes a Stranger (9/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 …
Along Comes a Stranger (8/?)
Title: Along Comes a Stranger (8/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 …
Just Another End
Title: Just Another End Author: klmeri Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk Warnings: Angst, Character Death Summary: For flash-fic challenge at jim_and_bones; in response to kayim‘s prompt Their world ends, not with a whimper, but with a bang. There have been plenty of endings in Jim’s life. Jim’s father’s end is woven into …
Along Comes a Stranger (7/?)
Title: Along Comes a Stranger (7/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Part Seven …
1st Year Anniversary!!
I’ve been waiting patiently for this journal’s first year anniversary… and it passed me by. LOL. So I guess we’ll celebrate late today because I renewed my LJ’s paid account. :) Here’s to a productive first year in the ST fandom! 53 fics, totaling ~600k words. HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY!! *feels like partying but sadly has …
Bend Your Mind (Fic & Mix)
Title: Bend Your Mind Author: klmeri Artist: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Disclaimer: The goodies enclosed are for entertainment purposes only. Summary: They meet, they love, they fight. A fanmix which evolved into a fic. Download .zip here! (71.3 MB) Song List: 1. Gavin Rossdale – “Adrenaline” “Too much is not enough Nobody …
I love Karl Urban’s face. But, Karl, bb? I need you not to be so expressive right now. No more smoldering looks at the camera, okay!? Please direct your bedroom eyes to either Kirk or Spock. Oh and for our enjoyment… I love his bedhead. and… I’m not sure that’s much of a threat, Karl, …
Fic/Mix is Done
My K/S/M fanmix turns into a fic. A fic, sectioned by songs. LOL. Songfic, anyone?? I’m going to bed and when I wake up, I will stick songs and artwork together in a .zip file and upload it for your enjoyment. Yay for the trio!
Fanmix, eventually?
ARGH. I have been working on my K/S/M fanmix for days. I have the songs. Artwork is easy. Ficlets? ARRRRRGH. Stupid, stubborn trio. I am equally determined to have everything come together nicely. Hello, where’s my angst, boys? Need MOAR angst and loving over this way. Kirk/Spock/McCoy makes me crazy-wild. *grumbles*
Along Comes a Stranger (6/?)
Title: Along Comes a Stranger (6/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Part Five went up …
News Flash!
Here are some updates which you may or may not care about… 1. Today I am going to see Priest. This is vital to my well-being, as Karl has gold eyes and fangs. 2. I dreamt of Part Six for Along Comes a Stranger last night. I have it outlined already. We are going to …
Along Comes a Stranger (5/?)
Title: Along Comes a Stranger (5/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 This is short but I wanted …
Along Comes a Stranger (4/?)
Title: Along Comes a Stranger (4/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: AU. Jim’s life in Riverside is uncomplicated until two men, both equally mysterious and compelling, arrive in town, bringing with them the promise of change. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 Part Four Jim slips into the back of …
A Few Words from
Why/How do you write your stories, and what advice would you give on writing? If I didn’t begin my answer with some literary device – a silly metaphor, for instance – you might not realize how egotistical I am. I am a writing toddler, having just discovered that my brain has the capacity to invent …