Title: What We Feel (7/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Or read at AO3 Sorry. My brain refused to focus on this story for a few days. Part …
What We Feel (7/?)
You’ll Never Believe This…
Since my first post in May 2010, I have officially written: HALF A MILLION WORDS!
What We Feel (6/?)
Title: What We Feel (6/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Or read at AO3 Buckled in? Part Six “Lieutenant, can you locate Mr. Spock? Uhura’s voice filters from the wall …
What We Feel (5/?)
Title: What We Feel (5/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Or read at AO3 Part Five Leonard thinks that he should be nervous, waiting for Jim. He circles the room, pausing only …
What We Feel (4/?)
Title: What We Feel (4/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Previous Part: 1 | 2 | 3 Or read at AO3 Part Four “What’s bothering you, Leonard?” Uhura is the first person to approach McCoy about the emotional turmoil the doctor …
What We Feel (3/?)
Title: What We Feel (3/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Previous Part: 1 | 2 Or read at AO3 To answer a question, I will clarify the layout of this fic: We will be switching back and forth in time sequence …
What We Feel (2/?)
Title: What We Feel (2/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Previous Part: 1 Or read at AO3 Threats with eating utensils aside, I will continue this story. When I dreamt of Spock approaching Jim and Bones, I woke with the feeling …
What We Feel (1/?)
Title: What We Feel (1/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Disclaimer: Lord knows, I don’t own these great characters. Summary: Spock asks Jim and Leonard to consider their future together. Or read at AO3 So… remember when I said I had a dream about the trio (after the one that spawned Hearts …
Its Name is Destiny
Title: Its Name is Destiny Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS and AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Warning: Short-lived angst? Disclaimer: Roddenberry, Paramount, rich people. Nope. I am definitely not on that list. Summary: Reflection on the destiny for our trio. “Damn it! JIM!” Leonard doesn’t want to think about what he is doing because …
Big Bang fic posted.
Can I crash now?
[BJT Big Bang] The Rogue of Ciraea (masterpost)
Title: The Rogue of Ciraea Author: klmeri Fanart: ebon_gray Fanmix: eschelon and klmeri Banner: klmeri Beta: masteralida Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Black Jewels Characters: SaDiablo family, OCs Word Count: 62,375 Disclaimer: Anne Bishop is creator and owner of the Black Jewels World and the canon characters therein; this story is not written for profit, nor shall …
[BJT Big Bang] The Heart of a Rogue (fanmix)
The Heart of a Rogue is a fanmix for the bjt_bigbang story, The Rogue of Ciraea, co-“mixed” by eschelon and klmeri. Most of the credit goes to eschelon, whose wonderful musical expertise helped klmeri compile a soundtrack to highlight the heart and soul of a rogue – in particular, the Rogue of Ciraea. But to …
The Rogue of Ciraea – Preface
JEWELS White Yellow Tiger Eye Rose Summer-sky Purple Dusk Opal* Green Sapphire Red Gray Ebon-gray Black *Opal is the dividing line between lighter and darker Jewels because it can be either. When making the Offering to the Darkness, a person can descend a maximum of three ranks from his/her Birthright Jewel. Example: Birthright White could …
A Household Full
Title: A Household Full Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Disclaimer: I don’t own my evil muse – it owns me! Summary: Jim enjoys life as a family man. Children’s voices. “You started it!” “Did not!” “Did to!” “DID NOT!” “DID—” Someone interrupts from the vicinity of a bathroom. “Stop yelling! Jesus Christ, …
Without Fanfare
Title: Without Fanfare Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Warnings: Angst Disclaimer: I own nothing but the glorious angst. Oh, and my name. I ought to own my name by now. Summary: Fic in which relationships fall apart. This is what happens when you complete a slew of WIPS at once and then …