Title: A Haunting Error (3/3) Author: klmeri Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Disclaimer: My mind is weird—sort of like ST. But I didn’t come up with it. Summary: Kirk and Spock are receiving visitations… from McCoy? Previous Parts: 1 | 2 Part Three “Aye, I’ve seen my share of ghosties. There was one lad—naught but a …
A Haunting Error (3/3)
A Haunting Error (2/3)
Title: A Haunting Error (2/3) Author: klmeri Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Disclaimer: My mind is weird—sort of like ST. But I didn’t come up with it. Summary: Kirk and Spock are receiving visitations… from McCoy? Previous Parts: 1 Note: Sorry, I have to finish in a third part; it’s getting complicated! Part Two The third …
A Haunting Error (1/3)
Title: A Haunting Error (1/3) Author: klmeri Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Disclaimer: My mind is weird—sort of like ST. But I didn’t come up with it. Summary: Kirk and Spock are receiving visitations… from McCoy? Note: Inspired by lilbatfacedgirl‘s comment that the trio must be together. What happens if they aren’t? How can this grievous …
The Making of a Triumvirate
Title: The Making of a Triumvirate Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Disclaimer: Never mine. Introspection purposes only. Summary: Very short one-shot about our three favorite characters; title says it all. There comes a time in a man’s life when he must choose his fate. Will he accept the responsibility of …
50,000 Words
Wow, so I have finally hit over 50,000 words after one month and a half of writing! PARTY TIME! *takes a bow* I would like to thank my fellow supporters and readers for your dedication to my dedication to fast and fun chapters. The next goal: 100,000 Words. See you there. :) Also, all McCoy’s …
Friend or Foe (3/3)
Title: Friend or Foe (3/3) Author: klmeri Pairing: K/S/M Summary: Sequel to The Right-Hand Man. Whatever did happen to that pirate? Previous Parts: 1 | 2 Damn space pirates. I don’t think I said that loud enough. DAMN SPACE PIRATES! Here I am, with a nice little story, all properly planned and WHAM! THEY STOLE …
Friend or Foe (2/3)
Title: Friend or Foe (2/3) Author: klmeri Pairing: K/S/M Summary: Sequel to The Right-Hand Man. Whatever did happen to that pirate? Previous Parts: 1 The Doctor of War “What’s the matter with you, Jim? I, at least, had hopes for your sanity!” But none for the pirate. Jim pulls on his left boot. “Oh, Bones, …
Friend or Foe (1/3)
Title: Friend or Foe (1/3) Author: klmeri Pairing: K/S/M Disclaimer: My Valissan pirates, but not much else. Summary: Sequel to The Right-Hand Man. Whatever did happen to that pirate? If you have not read The Right-Hand Man, then this story will not make sense; read it here. A Man of Trouble They have re-entered a …
Once Gone, Never Again
Title: Once Gone, Never Again Author: klmeri Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy (established) Disclaimer: Not my characters, only my plot bunnies. Summary: The breaking of a trio. Major angst warning. Bones is so preoccupied staunching a flowing wound on an ensign that he misses Jim’s sharp voice demanding “Where’s Spock?” As it is, his head feels unaccountably stuffy …
The Writing Style
Let me begin by saying that after much debate, I removed this section from the Untitled Notes and gave it a home of its own. After all, I will continue to use a particular sort of writing style for most of my fiction. I understand sentence structure much more thoroughly than I portray. Shocking, I …
Tags Dictionary & Navigation
For easier navigation, here is a list of tags, defined and linked, to aid in your navigation of this journal. ST – Star Trek BJT – Black Jewels Trilogy/Black Jewels World List of Tags (alphabetically)(scroll down for categorically) almost human – Almost Human posts anniversary – this LJ’s anniversary celebration! beast – Mark of the …
The Right-Hand Man (10/10)
Title: The Right-Hand Man (10/10) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy (eventually) Summary: Bones uncovers a deadly experiment which is killing a colony of innocents; it’s his mission to save them, so that’s what he’ll do… despite those out to stop him—permanently. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 …
The Right-Hand Man (9/10)
Title: The Right-Hand Man (9/10) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy (eventually) Summary: Bones uncovers a deadly experiment which is killing a colony of innocents; it’s his mission to save them, so that’s what he’ll do… despite those out to stop him—permanently. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 …
The Right-Hand Man (8/10)
Title: The Right-Hand Man (8/10) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy (eventually) Summary: Bones uncovers a deadly experiment which is killing a colony of innocents; it’s his mission to save them, so that’s what he’ll do… despite those out to stop him—permanently. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 …
The Right-Hand Man (7/10)
Title: The Right-Hand Man (7/10) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy (eventually) Summary: Bones uncovers a deadly experiment which is killing a colony of innocents; it’s his mission to save them, so that’s what he’ll do… despite those out to stop him—permanently. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 …