BBC is intent on making me sad and confused this season with Merlin. In other news, I rewatched Amok Time and it never gets old. Anyone’s thoughts on why Spock chose to have McCoy come along to the ceremony? Spock made a point of implying that Jim is not simply his captain. It seems like …
Oh, TV
I Love My Saturday Trek
“Captain, although your abilities intrigue me, you are quite honestly inferior – mentally, physically…“ -Khan Noonien Singh to James T. Kirk, Space Seed Nobody does arrogance better than a superhuman, war criminal tyrant. Unfortunately, every time I watch this and Khan mentions Kirk’s ‘abilities’ I think, “What, Jim’s ability to hand over the schematics to …
Don’t You Just Love People?
People make me angry sometimes. All I said was I lament what is happening to one of my favorite characters. (This is in regards to the latest episode of Merlin.) Do not tell me it is just a tv show, or that I am silly to be invested in the outcome of these characters’ lives. …
Motivational poster nabbed from deviantart – by Spockgirl18 It’s called Third Wheel. How apt… and heartbreaking! Oh, McCoy, we love you!
Thank God for the Original Series
So I have sorta had an evil day. Now I’m watching ST:TOS to feel better… and there goes Kirk’s shirt again. Amazing how it rips so easily in a short tussle with a crazed officer. Now a woman has jumped him. :/ I think everybody just wants him naked.
I’m Too Easily Amused
Found this. XD Star Trek The Original Series is now available for streaming on Netflix. All three seasons, digitally remastered. :D Watching it on my big LED tv kinda made my jaw drop!!