A Headcanon and Some News



Headcanon first, of course! (Courtesy of this post on tumblr.)

Pike was a notorious chess player and taught Jim how to play during mandatory student/adviser meetings at the Academy. At first Jim was like, “wow, why do you play this game, it’s boring”, but inevitably he became frustrated that Pike kept winning, and so he started paying attention and then he started using his smarts and the rest is history. This is how Pike taught him more about tactics – on a chessboard – more than any of the command classes Jim took. This is how they bonded. And Jim really only ever played chess with Pike.

Then Pike died. It was a long time before Jim could think about the game, watch others play it, and want to play it again. But wounds scar over enough that we can keep on living, and so one day Jim found himself, without thinking about it, challenging his First Officer to a round of chess. That’s when he realized by continuing to play the game, he was actually honoring Pike’s kindness to him, Pike’s belief in him and Pike’s memory – and above all keeping his mentor with him in that very small way.

Now for the news.

I’ve been super-quiet on the fandom front for a couple of weeks, which is mainly due to travel and a subsequent cold from traveling. Luckily, I think my city-hopping is over for the summer. My company may try to send me up to Canada in a few weeks but I’ll decline, mainly because of changes at work that make leaving the home office a not-so-good idea right now. It’s precisely those changes that have, in addition to my sickness, kept me from a fandom mood. I may literally be the Last Auditor Standing in my department by the end of September, and that terrifies me. We’ve been busy for sure during the summer but all of that culminates to an insane period of work from October to February. Suffice to say, with colleagues jumping ship and/or retiring right before the craziest time of the year, I have been experiencing minor panic attacks for several days. While I have been assured we will be acquiring more resources as quickly as possible, that will only alleviate some of the crisis. I guess I’m going to be one busy employee – you know, by trying to handle at least three times my already heavy workload plus training. If I drop off the face of the earth for some time, that will be why. My apologies, friends! :/

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. anonymous

    I am in prompt heaven…………..love my Pike………..always, no matter what, I will not be able to think of Jim without also thinking of Pike….. as for your work situation…….just remember to take care of yourself and that you put in a good fair day of work but it is not worth getting sick over *mental well being is just as important as physical* I hope it is not super bad for you and that they show their appreciation for you in some way………that they realize the amount of work you will be doing……… I will definitely miss you in fandom but you may end up writing the story of a life time when your crazy time at work is over because the sub conscious/creative part of your mind will be mulling things over and will need an outlet…

    • writer_klmeri

      I do tend to come up with something crazy fic-wise when I’m stressed. It also helps knowing that there is a story I can work on which will be for my pleasure and not because it’s being demanded of me. That’s part of the reason I like writing as a hobby. A little peer pressure can be a good motivator to hone your skills, but if your livelihood depends on it… the stress might not be worth it, in my opinion.

  2. romanse1

    I’m thinking good thoughts for you and wishing you all the best! Sigh…I too am trying to get around to old fandom haunts but there seems to be less time these days. School starting back up might have something to do with that.

  3. january_snow

    i haven’t been around in about forever, so this is rather belated. really sorry to hear about your stressful work situation, i hope it has improved by now!! take good care of yourself!!!

    • writer_klmeri

      I have made it through thus far. October was a stressful month from beginning to end though. How are you? Can you believe we are at the end of the year already?!

      • january_snow

        i blinked and the year was over- or so it feels. glad things seem to have eased up for you. bar some health issues, life is good here, thanks for asking :)

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