Story = Headache



Oh my good Lord, how am I supposed to finish the last part of my space_wrapped fic before Wednesday? The more I write, the more complicated it gets. *whimpers* Somebody tell that evil goblin creature to go away! The casting call for nefarious villians is over.

And damn LJ’s entry word limit. I hate breaking up chapters.

Question: Would you rather see…
a) the characters live happily-ever-after in conjunction with a rather lame plot
b) interesting plot which emotionally devastates said characters and kind of nixes their chance at a HEA?

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. dizilla

    BOTH! Do B and then somehow an epilogue where you make it better w happily ever after! XD And don’t worry about not finishing on time. They had one where it was posted in a span of a few days the first year I believe. =D

      • dizilla

        If it’s of the couple, no. XD I love drama and angst and nearly bleak stories as long as they have a hopeful ending. And for holidayish type stuff I personally prefer no death (but that’s just me XD). Maybe it’s like a death? like in snow white? or ala HP, some draught of living death XD

  2. weepingnaiad

    Hey, bb! First thing… if the story’s too big for a single post, then let us know, we can easily accommodate you, however that needs to be (posting on multiple days, etc). Also, and this is just my personal opinion, but I need a HEA. So even if you have to do it in an epilogue or something, that’d be my personal preference. But I’m not writing the story, you are, so you have to write the story as you see fit. I’m sure it’ll be awesome!

  3. tigergir11333

    I’d always vote for devastation. But I’m a bit of masochist when it comes to my reading. If the characters aren’t maimed, beaten, left for dead (or in some cases killed*), it just isn’t worth reading. *Seriously, Jim Butcher?

    • writer_klmeri

      Yay, devastation vote! So no fluffy bunnies and rainbows and magical healing fairies. Got it. :D I can always had a little h/c to any story, quite easily.

    • writer_klmeri

      Please give me a definition of “cheap plot”. I want to avoid this. Of course if by cheap plot you mean a plot you can guess I might as well give up now. O.O Maybe if I make it realistic along th way?

      • dark_kaomi

        It’s usually when authors sacrifice character development, use deus ex machina, or some other cheap and easy ploy to make everything work out okay yay! Because while HEAs are nice they’re rarely realistic. If you can make it work out kudos to you but don’t force it. If the characters, especially the villain, move towards a sad ending then so be it. Just stay true to the characters and everything will be okay.

        • writer_klmeri

          Excellent, excellent point. Lack of character development, even in a small way, equals an easy way out. Some stories are meant to be like this, I think, especially one-shots written for instant gratification – which I’ve done plenty of. But a lack of character development would definitely be detrimental to a longer story. I mean, who wants to read pages of people doing the same crap over and over again because they can’t, essentially, move on or grow up?

  4. kcscribbler

    Personally I’m the eternal child who hates stories like Bridge to Terebithia and demands the obligatory happy ending, and to heck with plot if it’s going to derail that. But that’s my inner sap talking, so don’t mind me. :P You do what you want, and it will be brilliant, because you wrote it. QED.

    • writer_klmeri

      As a writer have you ever found yourself unable to deliver a HEA? And thank you very much for your confidence in me. :) I am going through a series of mini-freak-outs right now (I know you’ve been through this yourself plenty of times) and it helps to know somebody out there believes I can pull off a good story!

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