





No, JJ, this is NOT the reason why you should put in pictures of nearly naked Alice Eve’s as a viral hoax… so you can link to a poster WITHOUT MCCOY.

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. hora_tio feelings exactly…I will have to be forcibly removed from the theater if Bones is not treated properly. AND SERIOUSLY IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO PIKE..I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS.

      • hora_tio

        Okay…and they do also have a big debate about the surprise of that relationship…I just have to take a deep breath and recognize that they are trying to appeal to a broad base..but seriously..I love my Bones and Pike and Jim and I’m running on and on..but I hate this

        • writer_klmeri

          What’s worse is it makes me feel so bad for not liking Uhura in her role because I adore her character. I can’t hate her. But I also can’t help but cry when I don’t see McCoy where he should be. I don’t want a new Triumvirate. I want Bones!

  2. jachelle0627

    They did the same thing with posters for the first movie. I think it has to do with the whole trying to include strong women characters in movies now which I’m all for, but nobody messes with The Triumvirate. In TOS Uhura was a great supporting character as were Chekov, Sulu and Scotty, but the show was at it’s barest essence a show about three best friends – Kirk, Spock and McCoy.

    • writer_klmeri

      Absolutely, strong Uhura is pure awesome! But just because she’s one thing, and may have a strong friendship with Kirk alongside a romance with Spock, etc, does not mean there’s no need for McCoy. Just. Argh!

  3. evilgiraff

    Hah, that was my feeling too! I love Uhura, and am quite happy to have her in posters, but only if K/S/M are ALL also present! I find it quite funny that this largely female LJ ST fanbase is so angry – any argument about including her to placate the wimminz falls rather flat…

    • writer_klmeri

      MY sentiments exactly! And, yeah, that is kind of ironic. See, Hollywood? You can’t mess with the K/S/M. You just can’t.

  4. ph0enix_flyer

    Oops, I just realised I wasn’t logged in when I posted that comment. Ha! But yeah, bad feeling. The “so we come out shooting” scene with Kirk and Uhura in the trailer? THAT IS MCCOY’S DAMN ROLE. McCoy is the one who will usually honestly state why a plan is crazy or won’t work. I realise I’m likely jumping the gun at the moment as we don’t know the events that lead up to Uhura being on that little ship with them. But still… why the hell is she there? A communications officer? It makes even less sense than dragging McCoy along did. I can’t help but think that a big part of this film is going to be dedicated to the emotional compromising that comes from being in a romantic relationship with a commanding officer, and one who often takes risks at that. From what I’ve heard about the IMAX preview (I haven’t actually seen it), Uhura apparently seemed to be making Spock uncomfortable with all of her flirting and Sulu didn’t seem to care for it either. I wonder if her being there for the fight against Harrison isn’t going to bring up major problems later on, concerning letting your feelings get in the way of a professional relationship. That’s the main problem I have with Spock/Uhura; in TOS, even Kirk gave thought to the consequences of messing around with crew members. With Uhura’s strong(er) personality and apparent need to be there when she thinks Spock is in trouble… it’s just gonna get irritating for a lot of fans when she keeps inserting herself into the situation.

    • writer_klmeri

      That breaks my heart. Really it does – because everything you said is true and it just shows that they might be playing with fire with her character. How awful would it be if they take Uhura and eventually turn her into something we can’t appreciate? It DOES bother me, like it did in the comics, that she is blatantly breaking the chain of command and no one’s called her out on it. I know there’s a lot of tight-knit family feeling with the crew – that’s something we all know and love about TOS – but lines have to exist, don’t they? Maybe it’s because Jim is too young and not prepared to captain a ship. I just keep thinking about what TOS!Kirk would have to say if one of his crewmen went off book so frequently. Then I think about what Old Spock would say… *shakes head*

  5. anonymous

    I got the impression with the TOS series that by season 3 they’d finally started to get McCoy in more. It wasn’t all just about Kirk and Spock, McCoy needed to be in there too – he was the aduience’s voice of reason at the (quite frankly) occasionally lunatic antics of Spock and (especially) Kirk. It was just getting to that point where it really was a trio, and then it got cancelled. Then the films began, and more and more it’s about the Triumvirate, including McCoy. I mean, films 5 and 6, I always get the impression that he’s finally got the amount of screentime he’s supposed to have. AOS jars with this for me. I miss Spock vs. Bones and frenemies debates. It gets boring, just Kirk and Spock, I want someone to stop the heroes from just being stupid heroes and actually say what we’re thinking as the audience. I want a balance. I really don’t get the whole Spock/Uhura thing either – it’s based on what, one line from TOS? A line that doesn’t really scream INTENSE RELATIONSHIP to me (admittedly, this is just me). I don’t really like Uhura in AOS. From what I remember from my last watch, I got the impression she was fierce for the sake of being fierce. She was smart and savvy in TOS – now she feels more defensive and just angry all the time in AOS. I don’t want to see an impression of TOS, but an almost complete departure from it really jars me, especially when a love interest is chucked in too. Uhura is probably the one character in the AOS film I wished they’d stuck more to in terms of TOS characterisation, she just felt so different it was almost like a different character. Perhaps I need to go back and give it another rewatch, see if I can see what other people do. With Urban doing such an amazing job as McCoy though it seems a crying shame to waste him, which is the sinking feeling I’m getting after watching the trailers.

    • writer_klmeri

      Yes! Where are the verbal spars? It just isn’t right if McCoy isn’t trying to get a rise out of Spock and Spock is finally irritated enough to make a comeback… and then before you know it, Spock is the one slipping a backhanded compliment into the conversation to get in a dig at McCoy. God. I love those two so much! How could JJ possibly think we would prefer to see romance rather than that? Srsly. Which is more entertaining? Haha. You know what I equate my reaction to when I first realized Spock and Uhura were a couple? Remember Jim’s look on the transporter pad when Uhura stepped up and kissed Spock? His facial expression said no fucking way. Exactly, Jim. It shocked me too! You’re right. There is a fine line between “smart and savvy” and behavior that is hostile. Sometimes she slipped from that line and those scenes just made me tense. I liked it much better when she was in her zone talking about the subspace messages, and on some level I appreciated the concern she showed for Spock with the destruction of Vulcan and the death of his mother. Not to mention the woman’s definitely cocky. But the aggression needs to be toned down. Aggression is something I never associated with Uhura. Even in one of the movies that time when Uhura commandeered the transporter room and put that poor ensign in the closet, I had to admire the way she handled it – with the poise and confidence that came from being the strong and sure-footed woman she was. Remember her quiet but determined defiance of Khan and his men? Is it any wonder we want to see the same qualities in this Uhura? I don’t think there needs to be a sacrifice in character just because she’s younger and “in love”. Urban is doing an award-winning performance of McCoy. You can just see how much respect he has for the actor who came before him in the way he dons the role. I think if ever someone was paying homage to another great actor in this way, it’s Karl!

    • writer_klmeri

      I am dying to see Karl in all his Bones glory. They could have at least given me a poster to oogle for the next month and a half!

  6. january_snow

    EXACTLY!!! especially as Bones looks way hot in the snippets i have seen. i guess they had to introduce another love story, as the Spock-Uhura romance was not enough, but BONES IS RIGHT THERE, there was no need to bring in Carole Marcus (sp?), nice though she may look next to our beloved Captain.

    • writer_klmeri

      I’m going with the supposition that Carol won’t be a love interest for Kirk. Maybe Jim will hit on her (’cause he’s not Jim if he doesn’t, right?) and she’ll be like ain’t giving you the time of day, boy. That would be awesome.

      • january_snow

        i know nothing about Star Trek before the last movie, so not sure who she is, but she appears in plenty of fics as the mother of his son, so i kinda assumed that she is his love interest. totes fine by me, if she stays but a passing interest, but the pics of her in her underwear do not bode too well, i fear… but then again, it may all be a big hoax to throw us off and JJ will get Jim and Bones together after all :)

        • writer_klmeri

          In TOS, she is the mother of his son. They had a relationship while in the Academy and it ended when Jim wanted to pursue his career in space rather than stay to make things work with her. She bore him a son though he did not find this out until later. I don’t believe in AOS Jim met her in the Academy Considering he was with Galia and it looked like he was used to flings, I doubt he had time for a serious anything with a woman. (Notice how I was specific about gender, lol.) So he meets her after he has the Enterprise. What remains to be seen is if he will have that “fling” with her after all and she gets pregnant. I’m actually hoping the answer to that is a no.

          • january_snow

            thanks for resolving that mystery! without knowing where any of the film is going, i would find it surprising if Jim had a child out of wedlock and even more so if he found the time to get hitched. so hopefully, he will stay free for his Bones;(not that i am fixated on that or anything :D

  7. tigergir11333

    I KNOWWW, but if it makes you feel any better, he’s working on putting Karl into a show called Human (set photos from the pilot here: But yeah, major rant about how Karl is TEH BEST and the OT3 is getting disturbed. Uhura is great and all, but needs me some Bones okay? Also hi! I drop off livejournal sometimes and suddenly I’m back over here obsessively. I recently joined tumblr, so I’ll blame that.

    • writer_klmeri

      Thank you for these links! I do know about Human (SQUEE! for weekly Karl!) and also have seen the promo. It makes me sad that Bones isn’t on the cover, but alas… I guess we can’t get everything – or even anything Bones-related for that matter. :( But welcome back!

      • tigergir11333

        Eee! Yes weekly Karl!! I will admit, I did watch a youtube that was full of only his scenes from the New Zealand soap he was on… just to watch more Karl. Pity there isn’t more Bones, I hope it’s not a reflection on his screen time in the movie. Thanks! Hopefully I’ll start getting a little more active in the ST fandom again. Especially since Sherlock is effectively pushed back and pushed back. The Hobbit too. (Just the 3rd one I think?) Can’t remember, too many things!

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