In case y’all don’t know yet, the newest trailer (ie newest rendition of what we’ve already seen) for STXII is out! Go here to watch. Can anyone else see the subtle pandering to the Triumvirate fans, or is that just me because I’m obsessive…? :/ Also, I thought Kirk’s voice came out very well here. I felt all his woe!
At this point am I grabbing onto every tidbit about Star Trek Into Darkness that passes me by? No. But trailers and interviews and official media prep for the movie I feel I can watch because I know none of it will be too spoilery. JJ would have a fit otherwise.
I’m really not engaging in speculation much either. Instead this poor person has been reduced to wandering in a daze going, “When? When? When can I watch it? Now?”
You’d think waiting years is the hard part but this, THIS down-to-less-than-a-month (after tomorrow) is the worst. I’m so anxious to see it! I will probably make a fool of myself in the movie theater by grinning or crying or both at the same time. Maybe I should go alone the first time so I don’t embarrass myself in front of family and friends.
I’m just… SO EXCITED!
Related Posts:
- Watch This Vid – from August 25, 2013
- KEYSMASH OF NEAR RAGE – from March 21, 2013
- MORE TRAILER! – from March 21, 2013
- New STXII Trailer! – from March 9, 2013
- STXII – Alice Eve – from December 26, 2012
You hit it spot on…I am squealing like a teenage girl *I say that with a Bone’s voice*…lol I am also trying not to read anything into/analyzing each and every word/facial expression/scene of each trailer..*sarcastic Bone’s voice* When are you going to see the movie?..I would like to go to the midnight showing on the 16th..my town does not have IMAX.
Nearest IMAX is about 60 miles for me. To be honest, I don’t know if I’m going to fight the crowd over the midnight showing. I thought maybe I would secure tickets for the 18th or 19th. One day or more of waiting won’t kill me… I don’t think. O_O Will it?
I noticed the nods to the triumvirate too! Every time that we saw McCoy in the trailer (besides the clip of them running, which we know is from the start of the film), it was immediately after we saw a reaction from Spock, who had shots after Kirk. It was really subtle; you see how one is reacting, then the other two. It was also interesting to note that both McCoy and Spock seem to be on the same wavelength about Harrison. But we’ll see. Also, is it just me? Or are you at all getting a bad feeling about the lack of McCoy being around perhaps hinting that something is going to happen to him? Every other character has been seen doing something action-y from a later point in the film: Chekov in his red shirt, Uhura and Spock with Kirk in what appears to be Klingon territory, Scotty in a shuttlecraft and running through exploding corridors, even Sulu at the controls before the big ship opens fire on them. We’ve see nothing of McCoy besides a solo reaction shot, a shot with Alice Eve and a clip of him questioning Jim’s decision… I’m wondering if this real lack of face-time isn’t perhaps forshadowing? It’s been said that Harrison is going to be a manipulator and I can’t see McCoy not being on the bridge whilst crap is going down without one hell of a reason.
Yay it wasn’t just me! Clearly McCoy’s absence is because he needs rescuing. And Kirk and Spock are going to rescue him! Right, JJ, RIGHT????!
Foreshadowing makes me nervous. Just wanted to add this on Leonard’s behalf. You’re right that it might be serious… as long as it’s not indicative of his actual face-time, or lack thereof.
Know what? I’ve just seen something that has gone a ways towards restoring a lot of my faith. Gotta love tumblr: http://phoenix-flyer.tumblr.com/post/48283268449
I can’t accurately describe how much I love you right now but it’s a freaking lot!!
I agree, this trailer was a smart move on their part, because all of us old schoolers are like, Spock Kirk and Uhura are NOT the Triumvirate, thank you. :)
I have decided to give JJ the benefit of the doubt here. But I hope he knows old schoolers will literally be counting the number of lines McCoy has to ensure all is fair. :)
I’m excited too! I’m just worried that they’ll take out the spirit of Star Trek, the progressive stories and the sense of utopia for humanity. I don’t mind the adventurous stories I just hope they keep the human heart.
You make a great point. I fear that the rattling of the “utopia” with Nero’s destruction of so many lives and a planet, even, in the first movie makes it a long road to recover for this universe. In the movies will we get to see the same kind of strides (ie the progessive storylines you are talking about) made in TOS? I don’t know. I think they are trying to cover some of that in the comics… but it isn’t the same feeling as watching those storylines with actors. We’re definitely going to get adventure in this movie, but I feel we are going to get a lot of character development too, especially for Kirk who has to learn the true meaning of responsibility and sacrifice that comes along with a captaincy. It’s my opinion we are going to be pleasantly surprised by a lot of the thought that went into what people say and do and how that makes them grow.
I hope so. I just hope I won’t be disappointed by the trade: progressive ideas for character growth.
If you lose you mind, know that you will not be alone, because millions of other ST fan will be right there with you. I know I will be.
Probably if fans sat on one side of the theater and unobsessed viewers on the other, there would be a notable difference in reactions.
Yeah there would be. One side would look like footage from a Beatles concert and the other would look frightened. LOL
I just keep pretending that May is some mystical time away. That way as the end of this month approaches, I can be all excited and surprised when it does come out. Though I have consumed every trailer with a fiery passion of love. <3 MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
My birthday is May 3rd, so I’m pretty much going to say “Happy Birthday!” to me every time I go to the movie theaters that month. And that includes the multiple times I go just to see STXII!
{HUGS} Hon, I saw Triumvirate Luv all over that, so it ain’t just you. :) ;) Yay! Now, I love me some Uhura, don’t get me wrong, but I’m always gonna be a K/M or K/S/M girl. Yeppers.