Title: The White Horse (8/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Jim Kirk was a strange man. A silent man. No one knew much about him or, if they did, were not willing to say what they did know, especially to the town’s newest magical occupant. Not that Leonard McCoy …
The White Horse (8/?)
October 31st
Karl the witch wishes you a Happy Halloween! And, of course, the McCoy pumpkins too – who are now ready to be seen by local trick-or-treaters and their parents. I’m going to give a candy bar to anyone who can correctly guess the faces on my pumpkins.
Most Precious Face(s) in the Galaxy, Part 2
I feel like I should apologize to TOS McCoy because his AOS counterpart is on a bigger pumpkin. Truly, though, I love these fellas equally. And yes I know that’s not the proper Reboot McCoy face. But you try looking at a dozen or so pictures of Karl Urban and see what you end up …
I Only Spent 3 Hours on One of the Most Precious Faces in the Galaxy
Yeah, so when I drag my butt into work in the morning and they look at the circles under my eyes and wonder what the heck I did all last night… Imma gonna say I did McCoy. :P Still working on him but he’s shaping up nicely. But geez, y’all, pumpkin carving is HARD.
Star Trek Ongoing Comics (21 – 26): Thoughts and Discussion
Previous Reviews: #1 – #16 | #17 – #19 | 20 Well, no need for spoilers anymore. Star Trek Into Darkness has come and gone – and in the process riled up the fandom both in good and bad ways. I think with regard to some of the backlash (and obvious plotholes), moving forward the …
Entertain Me
Barring the fact that we know Nimoy is having a good time, if you had to create a prompt from this picture in terms of Spock and McCoy, what would it be?
Per request, Take Us Out is now available as an epub! Enjoy! I am thinking about making a “McSpirk” epub too, where I combine some of my standalone one-shots into one electronic format. :)
In Need of a Friend
Title: In Need of a Friend Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Cuddling must be like a disease. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy fall prey to it way too often. A/N: I blame this fic upon and dedicate it to kcscribbler, who I believe purposefully mentioned Triumvirate cuddling knowing full well …
Where No Woman Has Gone Before
I came across this at steamedporkbun’s tumblr and it fairly stopped me in my tracks. IDW is adding to the ST Ongoing comic series… Female!Kirk and Female!Spock. It is my hope this idea extends to McCoy and crew as well. Yay for gender-bending in the franchise!!!
Take Us Out (6/6)
Title: Take Us Out (6/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Leonard finds himself in a situation that quickly goes from bad to worse, and it turns out he is the only one who can fix it. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Or read …
I love this artist!
ad-destroy on tumblr is amazing. This artist watches TOS episodes and then puts them into comics that are HILARIOUS. Yesterday, there was a reboot comic I think we can all appreciate. :) Please check out the tumblr if you have time (and want a laugh!).
Lend a Prompt
Friends, we have a serious problem. I don’t know what to write for space_wrapped this year. I am committed to bringing you a story… but what that story will be is anybody’s guess. Since my brain is tired today and my muse is already packing for vacation, how about y’all give me some prompts? I …
Take Us Out (5/6)
Title: Take Us Out (5/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Leonard finds himself in a situation that quickly goes from bad to worse, and it turns out he is the only one who can fix it. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Or read at AO3 …
Rec: Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit
dark_kaomi recced this story to me, it is amazing, and now I want all the rest of you to go read it. If you like a good character-building for Reboot!Kirk and want to know why he is a xenolinguist protege… it’s all right here!
The White Horse (7/?)
Title: The White Horse (7/?) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Jim Kirk was a strange man. A silent man. No one knew much about him or, if they did, were not willing to say what they did know, especially to the town’s newest magical occupant. Not that Leonard McCoy …