Title: The Oak Queen (2/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Sequel to The Desert Children; Kirk, Spock, and McCoy reunite, but they soon learn an otherworld, while easy to enter, is impossible to leave – particularly when it is conspiring to keep one of them forever. Parts: Foreword | …
The Oak Queen (2/6)
Yesterday was for Movies…
I watched both The Avengers and This Means War yesterday. I have a few thoughts/reactions. For those of you who may not have seen one or the other, any spoilers are behind lj-cuts. The Avengers: I spent half of the movie trying to figure who the actor was playing Bruce Banner (ie the Hulk). I …
Rec: Upon a Star
My Prompt: Jim has had the same fantasy since he was a kid: get off the planet and into the stars. But who’s he kidding? He doesn’t have the money or the means. Then Jim meets a certain doctor who is so Earth-bound, he refuses to step foot on a shuttle-bus. Jim falls in love …
The Oak Queen (1/6)
Title: The Oak Queen (1/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Sequel to The Desert Children; Kirk, Spock, and McCoy reunite, but they soon learn an otherworld, while easy to enter, is impossible to leave – particularly when it is conspiring to keep one of them forever. Parts: Foreword | …
So it happens once in a while I don’t write fandom things. I write things… which might become fandom-related if I change them slightly but otherwise remain strange, solitary creatures. This is one of those. Written during WordWars. It’s anyone’s guess who these characters are. Enjoy! At the back of his throat a sensation alerts …
The Man in the Shed (#30, J ‘N B Series)
Title: The Man in the Shed (#30, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, McCoy Summary: Comment!fic inspired by this pic post at jim_and_bones; Leonard’s job is to take care of the dead, in more ways than one. Warnings: character death Previous Parts: Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily …
The Desert Children (6/6)
Title: The Desert Children (6/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Abandoned to a dire fate into the wilds, McCoy learns that every tale has a dark origin. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 There are endings and beginnings, and sometimes they flow so smoothly …
The Beautiful Bay (#29, J ‘N B Series)
Title: The Beautiful Bay (#29, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Summary: Comment!fic inspired by this pic post at jim_and_bones; beauty and love sometimes are the same thing, Leonard knows. A short drabble. Previous Parts: Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily Show? | Fight the Good Fight | …
The Desert Children (5/6)
Title: The Desert Children (5/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Abandoned to a dire fate into the wilds, McCoy learns that every tale has a dark origin. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Part Five eight days prior – the beginning of the desert journey It …
The Question is… McCoy?
Let’s consider our favorite doctor for a moment. What do you like best in your McCoy fic? a) arguing – if he’s not in some sort of verbal spar I don’t know what to think b) da hurt/comfort! – c’mon, we didn’t invent it, we just keep it alive (like the diseases and mind trauma, …
The Desert Children (4/6)
Title: The Desert Children (4/6) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Abandoned to a dire fate in the wilds, McCoy learns that every tale has a dark origin. Previous Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 I guess there isn’t a good excuse to quit this fic after all! I agree …
Two Birds of a Feather (#28, J ‘N B Series)
Title: Two Birds of a Feather (#28, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Summary: Comment!fic inspired by this pic post at jim-and-bones; pure crack (Karl wearing a white jacket = wings? IDEK!), , and really no explanation for it. Read at your own risk. Previous Parts: Another Day, Another …
Music of the Soul
There is something I would like to talk about which is completely off-topic from my normal rambles about fandom; it seems important enough to share with everyone. Many of you will in general understand what I mean, if not in the context I mention here. I think you’ve seen me write more than once about …
The Amateur Pigeon-Catcher, Part 3 (#27, J ‘N B Series)
Title: The Amateur Pigeon-Catcher, Part 3 (#27, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: McCoy, Kirk Summary: Comment!fic inspired by jim_and_bones; AU. Continuation of the park bench series. Between Kirk and McCoy, who wins? Previous Parts: Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily Show? | Fight the Good Fight | Don’t …
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