Random: Supernatural



Did anyone else who watched Supernatural’s episode Death’s Door burst into tears? This final (?) season has been pretty crappy but the episode is by far the best – and saddest – of the season thus far. But that’s just my opinion… because Bobby Singer is an ridiculously wonderful character, and always has been. *sniffles*

So Close.



Oh crap, it just hit me that I’m posting my space_wrapped fic in two days. Last time I thought about it going live, Dec 4th was still far away in my mind. I will not say the fic is incomplete… but it isn’t entirely polished. Guess I’ll be up tonight! Of course there is the …

[Pseudo-Masterpost] Of House Guests and Winters Twins



Title: Of House Guests and Winter Twins Author: klmeri Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, McCoy, Jocelyn, Joanna, others Pairings: Leonard/Jocelyn, pre-Kirk/McCoy (if you squint/pray?) Word Count: 27408 Warnings: flagrant self-insertion (I daresay you’ll have to read it to believe it) and potential sniffle-y material Disclaimer: I have no rights to the Star …

Doomsday has almost arrived.



Story is almost done. However… Characters can be a real pain in the ass, you know? You come to accept the fact that they aren’t going to say anything relevant until – if like me, you wrote the ending of the story first – they realize its the home-stretch. Then they’re like goddamn chattering magpies. …

The Case of the Mondays, Part 4 (#14, J ‘N B Series)



Title: The Case of the Mondays, Part 4 (#14, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairings: Kirk/McCoy Summary: Comment!fic written for this pic post at jim_and_bones; return to the PI! Bones and cop!Jim ‘verse. McCoy’s late night ramblings have a purpose. Previous Parts: Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily Show? …

Interesting, as a Vulcan would say.



I just ran across the word “anti-slash”. Hrm. Okay, so technically I know what it means. But is it a boycott of slash fiction or just, ya know, referencing non-slash (which seems like a safer term to me anyway)? Also, I don’t really hang out in places where slash fics are considered heretical or disgusting …

Story = Headache



Oh my good Lord, how am I supposed to finish the last part of my space_wrapped fic before Wednesday? The more I write, the more complicated it gets. *whimpers* Somebody tell that evil goblin creature to go away! The casting call for nefarious villians is over. And damn LJ’s entry word limit. I hate breaking …




My f-list is amazing. Truly. Thanks to everyone’s support, encouragement and good advice, I have kicked down a decent portion of that writer’s block wall and am churning out Story again. I am going to make that deadline! *fist pump of DOOM* I can also honestly tell you that what results from this little venture …

Update, or lack thereof



Ten days left until I have to finish my latest project and I am no closer than I was the last time I posted about it. I think the reason for my inability to move forward is because the story is too… harsh in some ways. I have my “winter” playlist made up, thanks to …

In Need of Assistance



Okay, I am trying my best to break my writer’s block. Nothing is working so far. The fairy tale I am writing has the main theme of, well, winter. It’s always cold and snowy and there is magic out on the land, in winter, that one cannot deny. So I ask you: What songs make …

In the Keeping of a Spirit (#12, J ‘N B Series)



Title: In the Keeping of a Spirit (#12, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairings: Kirk/McCoy Warnings: If you are afraid of the paranormal, do not read. Summary: Comment!fic written for this pic post at jim_and_bones; a crack fic turned frightening. Bones is trying to cope with an unwanted presence in …

November Goal



Many Bells Down Status: 52k and DONE space_wrapped fairy tale Status: 8562 Posting Date: December 4th Complete By Date: November 30th Progress: no real progress except plot confusion Prognosis: more writer’s block Goal: to think like a fairy, dammit!

Many Bells Down (12/12)



Title: Many Bells Down (12/12) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy Summary: Sequel to Along Comes a Stranger; Riverside ‘verse. Dating Bones and Spock is wonderful, better than Jim imagined. Then Bones’ mother arrives, Spock receives the offer of a lifetime outside of Riverside, and Jim has to make a series of choices …