2011 Writing Recap



This year I wrote and posted:
37 stories (or drabble series, lol) for an approximate total of 525,000 words. If you will recall, 2010’s word count was 350k, so I am a little shocked at this… o.O

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I worried I would run out of ideas, yet instead I seemed to stumble upon more than ever! I do try valiantly to shy away from repeating the same storylines over and over, however. For example, I didn’t write nearly as many creepy mind-hoodoo stories as I did last year. LOL.

A Suitable Cause



Title: A Suitable Cause Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek TOS Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy Summary: Written for sullacat‘s prompt during a jim-and-bones “resolutions” flash!fic challenge: Jim: To keep from ripping all his gold shirts on away missions. As their captain waddles up to the transporter pad and with great difficulty tries to climb the two …

Forewarned is Forearmed (#16, J ‘N B Series)



Title: Forewarned is Forearmed (#16, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS, references to other fandoms Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Summary: Comment!fic inspired by this picture post at jim-and-bones; Jim never realized how crazy his life with Bones could be until he began reading about it. A/N: Writers can laugh at themselves, too. :) …

The Unhappy Holiday



Title: The Unhappy Holiday Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: pre-Kirk/Spock/McCoy Warning: lack of happily-ever-after Disclaimer: Just entertaining myself during what appears to be a lonely holiday. Summary: Wherein Jim wants both, Leonard wants only one, and Spock isn’t aware of wanting at all. A/N: This is not my fault. I started writing with …

The Case of the Mondays, Part 5 (#15, J ‘N B Series)



Title: The Case of the Mondays, Part 5 (#15, J ‘N B Series) Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Summary: Comment!fic inspired by this pic post; PI!Bones/Cop!Jim ‘verse is back again. The couple’s fighting is the aftermath of a more sinister plot. Previous Parts: Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily Show? | …

Stolen Meme from



Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s harder than you think. Your Artist: Garbage Are you male or female: Supervixen Describe yourself: So Like a Rose How do you feel about yourself: I Think I’m Paranoid Describe where you currently live: Not My …

Her Boy



Title: Her Boy Author: klmeri Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Winona, Jimmy Disclaimer: Just world-building for an AU, without pay. Don’t mind me. Summary: Riverside ‘verse; a Kirk childhood piece that follows along with Along Comes a Stranger and its sequel Many Bells Down. Winona does her best as a single mother with a young …

AUs and why we love them.



What is so intriguing about AUs (barring the fact the ST 2009 movie itself is an alternate universe…)? What is the best AU you have ever read (no specifics required) and why? What is the best fictional interpretation of Spock you have come across who was not an alien? Similarly, if you do not like …

I’m Back



I took an internet hiatus yesterday after I stayed up until past 3 a.m. polishing my space_wrapped story. Believe it or not, when I was ready to post it at the comm, I had literal heart palpitations – which has never happened to me before over posting fic. I thought oh god, what have I …

[Masterpost] Of House Guests and Winter Twins



Title: Of House Guests and Winter Twins Author: klmeri Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Star Trek AOS Characters: Kirk, McCoy, Jocelyn, Joanna, others Pairings: Leonard/Jocelyn, pre-Kirk/McCoy (if you squint/pray?) Word Count: 27408 Warnings: flagrant self-insertion (I daresay you’ll have to read it to believe it) and potential sniffle-y material Disclaimer: I have no rights to the Star …

Of House Guests and Winter Twins, Part I



[ Back to Masterpost ] Of House Guests and Winter Twins by klmeri Admittedly, the business of story-telling is not easy. It requires a constant state of daydreaming, practical application, more daydreaming, and some degree of connivance. To tell an unbelievable story in a believable fashion, the story-teller often begins with a hint of truth. …