AUs and why we love them.



What is so intriguing about AUs (barring the fact the ST 2009 movie itself is an alternate universe…)? What is the best AU you have ever read (no specifics required) and why? What is the best fictional interpretation of Spock you have come across who was not an alien?

Similarly, if you do not like AUs, why?

Personally, I like AUs that are furtherest from the ‘verse in question. Dump the characters there and find out how they are like – and unlike – the people we expect them to be. Do they walk the same walk, talk the same talk? If Jim is a nurse, is he going to be Head Nurse of his assigned ward? Why would he be content as a nurse rather than a doctor?

AUs can mean fresh experiences and, hence, different problems our beloved characters might not otherwise encounter. On the other hand, if the plot is an universal constant like, say, star-crossed love, an AU is a playground to create an unique shape and size of essentially an unoriginal idea.

For some people, AUs are just a different face on an old story; but they can be so much more… To live in a world requires some level of interaction with everything in it, and a good AU takes this into account. Playacting Shakespeare on the stage can be the same as play acting Shakespeare in your bathroom – unless you trip over the bathroom rug or tangle yourself in the shower curtain. New elements, influential “props” are what AUs are all about.

When an AU is really really good and well-crafted, it takes investment on the reader’s behalf, and time. I like trying to figure out where the parallel themes are and what new flavor the author presents by telling a story of Kirk and gang in an alternate universe. I could easily name a handful of people who do this well (weepingnaiad and her partner-in-crime abigail89; omg, caitri who writes a ST mashup with Kushiel’s Legacy series; and the list would go on…), but for the sake of time, I won’t. LOL.

Unfortunately, I have not read too many AUs for the simple fact that an AU itself is like mind-blowing awesome to me. The idea alone that someone is attempting to re-define the Star Trek characters in a new life – or, wow, a new world – is enough to reel me in. So, if I allowed my curiosity to always win, I might as well give up my day job and become permanently attached to my laptop.

Also, when somebody does an AU well? F***-ing orgasmic. :)

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. dark_kaomi

    I’m picky about my AUs. Depending on the fandom, depending on the type of AU, depending on who’s depicted in the story. But I enjoy them over all. I think it’s because I get to see the same characters in a different set of circumstances. That allows them to show off different sides of themselves, sides we wouldn’t see otherwise. They’re still the same characters but different aspects of them are developed more than they would be normally. Plus canon stories can get stale. There’s only so many ways you can have Kirk get stranded on an empty planet or McCoy save the day from a dangerous plague on a spaceship. AUs help revive these ideas.

  2. natashasolten

    I don’t like all au stories. It depends upon the writing itself, too. But mainly I need to recognize the characters as, say, Kirk or Spock, and not see them as other characters entirely. There still has to be something of “canon” in them or I will lose interest. So if the au is too far removed from recognition, probably not. But on the other hand I have read some where the writing and characterization was compelling enough to awe me.

    • writer_klmeri

      You make a valid point here. There’s no fun to reading about a Spock that isn’t, well, Spock in some sense. Even when I write him completely out of context (i.e. like as an art thief, LOL) I want him to be himself: intelligent, well-spoken, polite, and reserved to some degree.

  3. weepingnaiad

    Thanks for the rec, bb. I’m thrilled that you like the AUs I’ve written! High praise coming from an AU-queen. It kinda goes without saying that I love AUs. I love canon, too, but I do love setting our beloved crew in other ‘verses and seeing how it changes them, or how they are the same. Either that or I just love to imagine them in ‘costume’ other than their uniforms. :D

    • writer_klmeri

      I’m not the only one. tigergirl11333 just recced you below. LOL. Bones McCoy is a favorite of the crowd. ;) ‘Costume’ is a perfect way to describe AUs. They are, at their cores, the same characters we love. Just in costume!

  4. tigergir11333

    Oohh godddd, How can I even pick? I love AUs because without them, I could have never stuck with HP or ST as long as I have. Bones McCoy and the Raiders of the Lost Temple by starry_eyed_fics (Jim and Bones as archaeologists!? Yesplz) Something Rich and Strange by jouissant (Bar tender Jim + Mysterious Alien Spock in 2011, I think) And my fav cross-over ever is by caitri – That Which They Defend I can’t recommend your own AU to you, but it’s one of my favorites, especially for a non-alien Spock. Because most of the time I prefer him as Vulcan and that’s it. I agree – I like AUs that are very different from the original story. The mark of a good fic writer can make the character stay the same person, react in a “Jim” or “Leonard” or “Spock” way even if it’s a situation they might never encounter in “normal” world. I don’t like AUs when they re-tell the exact same “normal story” just in a different setting. I like to read a new story, personally. Have you seen the new Trek Nation documentary out? It has a really great scene right at the end with Roddenberry talking in an interview (from like the 80s) saying how he would love for someone to remake Star Trek one day. I’m pretty sure he included the phrase “with hot young actors”. It was a really cool video that Gene’s son showed to JJ.

    • writer_klmeri

      I also love all the ones you recommended! LOL! We have similar tastes. :D Roddenberry certainly got his wish, didn’t he? People have been “remaking” his Star Trek in every form and fashion for decades. JJ just happened to convince somebody to let him do an official remake for the big screen. What I love about Roddenberry’s original vision is that it became such a beloved fantasy world, everybody likes to play in it, whether by film or fiction!

  5. january_snow

    here’s my tuppence: i Love AUs, IF they’re well written. and in that case, one can sell me just about anything. i enjoy seeing Jim being Jim and Bones being Bones, but in totally different circumstances. And I enjoy them being different from canon/fanon even more, long as it’s well done (and i couldn’t explain what ‘well done’ means, i’m just really picky, i guess). all the little AU vignettes you’ve given us for Jim and Bones? like catnip to a moggy :) alas, i cannot comment on Spock, as i don’t enjoy reading him at all; it feels like a have a slight allergy to him, almost :( this is all the weirder, as i think Zachary Quinto is really attractive *points at your new-years pic spam and the further submissions to it* annnyway, i now wonder whether you’d like a link to a huge rec post on K!M recs. don’t just want to post the link in case it’s my fault if you get glued to your laptop ;D

    • writer_klmeri

      Link away! I always appreciate finding new material to read – and, even better, discovering what it is others prefer as far as stories go. Now I’m curious. Do you not enjoy reading Spock in AUs, or in general? Is it his character or the fact he is difficult to portray in the proper light? Personally, I can only quote a handful of people who write him in a way I envision (and I ain’t on that list, lol).

      • january_snow

        you brought it on yourself ;D here’s the link to the amazing Kirk!McCoy AU Archive by . as for Spock, i wish i could explain it. in enjoyed him in the film and i don’t have a problem with him as a character, although he’s not one of my favourites. as mentioned, i think Zac is hot and for some weird and warped reason, i rather liked Sylar in Heroes, and Gabriel anyway. the thing that just really really puts me off is the thought of Spock having sex or perhaps even just getting intimate with anyone. Do Not Want To Read :( :/ :( this is why i don’t read Spock!Uhura either, even if its low or unrated, it’s not just the slash. it’s a great shame, as i feel that i’m missing out on a huge and active part of fandom. and just to make clear, i’m not intending to diss anyone or anyone’s writing or interests, but Spock just squicks me for some unspecified reason in that respect. this probably makes no sense whatsoever – it doesn’t to me either – but at least in the AU Archive there’s tons of Kirk!McCoy goodness i haven’t read yet :)

          • january_snow

            yes, i think so. she updated regularly for a while, but i think maybe she’s moved on to other fandoms now? perhaps you can entice her back by showing her some love? i pledged a putative first-born to her when i found the index back in the day ;)

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