Merlin at its end?



kcscribbler posted the news that Merlin will not have another series after 5.

I don’t know whether to be happy or sad about this, given the recent episodes.

Wait, I do know what I want to say. They had better redeem Merlin by the end! BIG magic reveal! Please, no more dark, unhappy Merlin. I miss his smile, damn it.

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. kcscribbler

    I so think it would have been better to have the magic reveal last season and let us have one season where Merlin can use it, if not openly, at least in front of Arthur and the inner circle of knights. :( The reveal, and the ensuing kingdom-uniting, is like the whole entire point of the series, to me – and if they go out with a bang like they’re promising (hopefully the reveal in the finale), it’s just going to leave us all going WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS WHOLE DARK SERIES ARGH Y U NOT GIVE US THIS FIRST. *sniff* Add that to the news that Sherlock S3 production is being shoved back at least three months, and that Zachary Quinto won’t be returning as Spock in any other sequels to ST:XI, and I am not a happy fangirl. On the other hand, thank you so much for the Amazon card, BB. *hugs you hard* I have a geek friend who thinks he might be able to restore my documents, at least those that have been changed in the last couple of months, but there’s no way to retrieve my music libraries or videos or software or anything like that. Thank you so much. *hugs again* <3

    • writer_klmeri

      You’re just full of bad fandom news, aren’t you? What is this about Sherlock… about the future of Star Trek???? OMG. D:

      • kcscribbler

        Straight from Sue Vertue’s Twitter via Sherlockology: #Sherlock producer @suevertue confirms Series 3 filming move to March 2013 due to availability reasons. Transmission dates likely unaffected. (likely unaffected my eye, they’ve said that before and it always has been affected) and here: And rumor has it that Quinto is tired of being typecast, which I can understand ( I first saw it in my twitter feed pointing to this link here –, but it’ll ruin it for me. I hate when franchises switch actors, it just totally ruins the vibe for my head canon. I mean we barely got to see his chemistry with Pine’s Kirk in ST:XI, and I’m afraid the upcoming movie will live up to its name anyhow and plunge the fandom further into darkness (it was already a bit gritty for my OS-loving taste), but still. *sighhh* We can only hope and see.

        • writer_klmeri

          I mean we barely got to see his chemistry with Pine’s Kirk in ST:XI THIS. This fact (well stated, my friend!) may be the underlying reason I have never been able to visualize Quinto as the Reboot!Spock when I write STXI fic. Even now I am slowly and painstakingly still trying to fit him into my vision of that Spock, but if they change actors I’ll be back to zero. Or worse yet, my head canon will be CONFUSED. I don’t want that to happen.

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