Marked (#10, J ‘N B Series)



Title: Marked (#10, J ‘N B Series)
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek
Characters: Kirk, McCoy
Summary: Comment!fic written for this pic post at jim_and_bones. A bit of Western fun.
Previous Parts: Another Day, Another Dollar, and a Daily Show? | Fight the Good Fight | Don’t Touch the Rock | A Tear Worth Gold | Another Day, Another Dollar, Part 2 | Pirates Read Too | The Case of the Mondays | Today’s Topic- Helmets! | The Case of the Mondays, Part 2

“He’s so bowlegged he couldn’t pen a hog in a ditch,” one man observes, hat tipped low to obscure his face.

“Eh,” mutters the companion at his elbow with a careless shrug, who then aims a mouthful of tobacco at a spittoon but misses by several inches, adding a new wet patch to the stained boards of the porch. “Ain’t got no horse, though.”

“That right?”

“Ain’t got nothin’ seems like. He done rode in on the rail, I heard.”

As the stranger passes by the saloon with a purposeful stride, eyes fixed forward, the two men casually rearrange position so they can keep him in sight until he decides to step off of the main thoroughfare.

“Takes money to get on the rail,” concludes the man in a slow drawl. His fingers ghost the edge of his low-slung belt. The gun halter is empty.

“Unless yer southbound for the jail yard. Them rides is free,” adds the other fellow as he digs in his pocket for a new bunch of tobacco. Finding none, he curses. Finding no money either with which to visit the general store for a new supply, he begins to eye the newcomer too. “I reckon his boots are worth sumthin’. Whatcha think, Coz?”

“We’ll see.”

“Hey, you!” interrupts a loud voice. “Get the hell off my property!”

The pair look at the saloon keeper holding a shotgun. The taller of the two relaxes against the railing of the porch, insolence in every line of his body. “You ain’t got no deed on this place.”

“Get going,” insists the saloon keeper, “or I’ll have the sheriff down here.”

“Sheriff’s out riding.” The dark-haired man narrows his eyes. “‘Sides, we ain’t causing no trouble.”

“You is trouble, McCoy – you and your ugly cousin both!” He raises the shotgun to waist height. “Next time I won’t ask. I’ll just put a bullet in your belly.”

McCoy raises his hands in a gesture of placation. He nudges his cousin with his boot. “C’mon. Let’s give the man what he wants.” As they step off the saloon porch and into the dust of the street, he says to the agitated young man at his side, “Calm down, kid.”

“Fuckin’ old bird! We wasn’t fuckin’ doin’ nothing! ‘N who’s he calling ugly?”

“He’ll get his” comes the lazy drawl. “First, we oughta greet the new fella in town.”

McCoy’s cousin wipes his nose on his sleeve. “Maybe this one got more’an the last. Didn’t get much offa him.”

“Foreigners either got nothin’, or too much and sense to stay East if they do.” He laughs, and it’s a low, cold sound. “What kinda name was Spock anyhow?”

“Foreigner one,” replies the cousin, temper switching over to excitement at the prospect of a little fun. “He’s gone thataway.”

They turn into an alley between two buildings rank with the smell of piss and rot. McCoy passes into a shadow on the left side of the alley, the man at his back doing the same. The spurs on their boots jangle softly in time to their steps.

“What’s his name?” McCoy asks, because he likes to know what to carve on the inside of his belt when the hunting is done.

“He’s a James. Kirk James… or James Kirk. Guess it don’t matter much.”

“Guess it don’t,” agrees McCoy. But he likes the ring of Kirk much more than James.

At the end of the alleyway is the stranger, relieving himself against the wall. “Howdy, Kirk,” calls McCoy, “Case ya didn’t know… there’s a fee to be paid for traveling through my town.”

The sound of pissing stops. The tow-headed fellow turns his head slightly in their direction, not bothering to hide the slow curve of his mouth. In place of words comes the distinct click of a gun cocking.

A fightin’ one, McCoy thinks with satisfaction, the knuckles of his right hand cracking inside his leather glove as he forms a fist.

About damn time.


Awesome Ideas…

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About KLMeri

Owner of SpaceTrio. Co-mod of McSpirk Holiday Fest. Fanfiction author of stories about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


  1. weepingnaiad

    Oh, my! A bad Bones! That’s one confrontation that I would love to see play out! *shivers* And what did they do to poor Spock?

    • writer_klmeri

      Bad Bones is a nice way to diverse one’s reading, don’t you think? I don’t know what happened to Spock but I guess his philosophy of peace didn’t work well in the face of two robbers.

  2. coltdancer

    Well, damn. I’m not a fan of western, really. The only thing I could reasonably tolerate was Firefly…but that doesn’t really count, does it? And it totally sucked me in, anyway. But this is just gloriously penned, I have to say. The mannerisms are so distinct and true to the western genre…I’m just truly impressed with how it reads! Beautifully done.

    • writer_klmeri

      :D THANK YOU! I am so happy this struck the right chord for you. I can agree that westerns aren’t always so interesting. But I think if Jim and Bones were cowboys, I’d have to read it for the sheer hotness of the idea. Your kind words are truly appreciated, my dear! Thanks again!

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