A Delay



I am hoping with all my heart that no one is going to be too disappointed in me for this news. The deadline for the sequel to A Holiday Letter has been extended to Sunday, May 5th. I have almost 15,000 words yet still cannot draw a conclusion to what should have been a simple …

Calling the Expertise of Doctor Who



Not joking here, y’all. Either I’m losing my mind or the approach of Star Trek Into Darkness is such a cosmic event it’s causing time to fluctuate. Let me explain. I had a business trip last Thursday and Friday, and didn’t make it home until late Saturday evening. Somehow I’d acquired a cold during that …

21 first lines, stolen from



I’m a sucker for fic memes. At random I picked twenty-one first lines, the only consistency being the fandom of Star Trek. Here we go! 1. Jocelyn shows up in the middle of Len’s shift at the hospital, corners him between two gurneys and without a word shoves divorce papers into his hands. – A …

Today = GOOD



Today has been a very good, if not great, day. It feels like it’s been a long time in coming to have a day where I am just free to be relaxed and happy. Today, I received my first professional certification! I am the first employee at my company (of 20,000+ employees) to become an …

A Good Thought



Sometime during my fitful sleep last night (colds suck, like majorly suck), it occurred to my brain: THREE MONTHS LEFT UNTIL STXII!!!!! Can you believe six months is already down to three? After waiting three years, it’s so close. So, so close!

The Muse Fails Again



Oh shit. I just thought of a “sequel” (or short one-shot version thereof) for The Holiday Waywards. This is the fault of the jim_and_bones‘s crew because I saw their newest flash fic challenge based on love letters and I thought, hey I could write a fic for one of those prompts. And then an idea …

An Unfortunate Read



Have you ever been part of a small fandom that rarely has new fic for you to read, and then one shining, brilliant day you discover something you haven’t seen before… Only to be utterly disappointed? I mean, you think the fic is okay and you’re not picky since you’re basically desperate but then halfway …

The Job Doesn’t Pay Me Enough for this Sh**



Work has all but killed my writing brain this week. :( It’s times like these that I want to say, “Day job, I quit you. Don’t you know how important my hobby is to my sanity?” I came home after work and crawled straight into bed, nixing any tentative plans for tonight. So currently I’ve …

Delicious is No More (for Me)



A one-time fee seems well worth the price to preserve my sanity. I have officially created new bookmark archives over at Pinboard, the antisocial bookmarking site. (Not anti-social in a psychotic way, mind you!) This is good because Delicious has become too social for me to handle when all I want most in order to …

Delicious drives me batshit!



In an effort to follow trendy sites like tumblr and the “more like an app because we’re all mentally handicapped, it seems” design, Delicious has messed with its layout AGAIN. It was bad enough that they were in the habit of making handy new tools (like stacks) only to take them away a month or …




Thank you, Paramount, for finally hearing our pleas and throwing us something else to ponder over about Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world …

To All My Writer Peeps



When a story starts developing unforeseen subplots and themes, what do you do? Do you tough it out (like the masochistic writer that you are), or do you revise the work so you don’t make a fool of yourself? How often have you pulled off the subplot you did not anticipate?